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She busts out the lie-squint almost immediately in that Oxford reel and the dishonesty floodgates never close.
Ruby: "I've always been ayy STWAUNCHLEE INDEPANDANT LAHHRNAR and didn't loike tyoo communicate about moiy stoddies varry moch."
Did Ruby forget that she's had a studytube channel for nearly a decade in which she kept shouting about what and how much she was STODDYING?
Did she forget that she kept telling people that throughout her degree at AXATAR, she was constantly having hours-long pre-seminar prep meetings and post-lecture "debriefs" with Blakeney and couldn't get through a single module or assignment without Blakeney explaining things and doing everything for her?
Did she forget that she clearly struggled to learn anything by herself, required huge amounts of peer and tutor support to understand basic concepts and get work done, and took anything any adult at school said as gospel?
But nope, she did everything herself, learned everything on her own and now Oxford taught her the life-long lesson that NO STYEEDUNT IS AN OISLAND, teachers serve a purpose, and LAAAHRNING can be done communally in conversation.
While shouting that she's tossed aside her imaginary "do everything myself" approach to academia and has LAARNED A NEW WAY OF LAAAAHRNING (i.e. the traditional way) and has LAARNED THAT LAAAHRNING SHOULD BE DONE WITH OTHHA PEEPOL AND SHE SHOULD COMMUNICATE ABOUT HAAHR STODDIES, she apparently also forgot that this is supposedly her YAAAHR OF INDEPANDANT LAHHHRNING, which she refuses to talk about with anyone (because no learning is happening and it's just a sham to appear productive).
The utterly incoherent rewriting of history is completely insane. How embarrassing that Ruby was so sheltered and apparently learned absolutely nothing at Oxford that she has to resort to the usual blathering lies to come up with things to talk about to explain her time there.
Ruby's favourite STODDY SPWOT at AWKSFWUD is the DEW-KUMFREES LOIBREE. You may remember this from her Oxford vlogs - it's where "HARRY PWOTTUM" was filmed, and Ruby loved the library so much that she seemingly just forgot she'd been there before and her "first ever" visit there happened about three different times.
Ruby says she can sum up her Oxford experience in one sentence: "Oiy FOINALLY ONDERSTAAHND whOIY it's knyown as theee city of dreaming spoires." Ruby does not elaborate. It seems like that's something a 5 second Google search could clear up for her and didn't require her to burn a year of her life at Oxford.
I can sum up Ruby's Oxford experience in a haiku:
Moping in LOIBREES.
Nothing LAHHRNED, missing mummy.
THARTEE grand wasted.