Ruby Granger #47 Self Learning at the University of Roobs, Manor campus

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She busts out the lie-squint almost immediately in that Oxford reel and the dishonesty floodgates never close.

Ruby: "I've always been ayy STWAUNCHLEE INDEPANDANT LAHHRNAR and didn't loike tyoo communicate about moiy stoddies varry moch."

Did Ruby forget that she's had a studytube channel for nearly a decade in which she kept shouting about what and how much she was STODDYING?

Did she forget that she kept telling people that throughout her degree at AXATAR, she was constantly having hours-long pre-seminar prep meetings and post-lecture "debriefs" with Blakeney and couldn't get through a single module or assignment without Blakeney explaining things and doing everything for her?

Did she forget that she clearly struggled to learn anything by herself, required huge amounts of peer and tutor support to understand basic concepts and get work done, and took anything any adult at school said as gospel?

But nope, she did everything herself, learned everything on her own and now Oxford taught her the life-long lesson that NO STYEEDUNT IS AN OISLAND, teachers serve a purpose, and LAAAHRNING can be done communally in conversation.

While shouting that she's tossed aside her imaginary "do everything myself" approach to academia and has LAARNED A NEW WAY OF LAAAAHRNING (i.e. the traditional way) and has LAARNED THAT LAAAHRNING SHOULD BE DONE WITH OTHHA PEEPOL AND SHE SHOULD COMMUNICATE ABOUT HAAHR STODDIES, she apparently also forgot that this is supposedly her YAAAHR OF INDEPANDANT LAHHHRNING, which she refuses to talk about with anyone (because no learning is happening and it's just a sham to appear productive).

The utterly incoherent rewriting of history is completely insane. How embarrassing that Ruby was so sheltered and apparently learned absolutely nothing at Oxford that she has to resort to the usual blathering lies to come up with things to talk about to explain her time there.

Ruby's favourite STODDY SPWOT at AWKSFWUD is the DEW-KUMFREES LOIBREE. You may remember this from her Oxford vlogs - it's where "HARRY PWOTTUM" was filmed, and Ruby loved the library so much that she seemingly just forgot she'd been there before and her "first ever" visit there happened about three different times.

Ruby says she can sum up her Oxford experience in one sentence: "Oiy FOINALLY ONDERSTAAHND whOIY it's knyown as theee city of dreaming spoires." Ruby does not elaborate. It seems like that's something a 5 second Google search could clear up for her and didn't require her to burn a year of her life at Oxford.

I can sum up Ruby's Oxford experience in a haiku:

Moping in LOIBREES.
Nothing LAHHRNED, missing mummy.
THARTEE grand wasted.
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She busts out the lie-squint almost immediately in that Oxford reel and the dishonesty floodgates never close.

Ruby: "I've always been ayy STWAUNCHLEE INDEPANDANT LAHHRNAR and didn't loike tyoo communicate about moiy stoddies varry moch."

Did Ruby forget that she's had a studytube channel for nearly a decade in which she kept shouting about what and how much she was STODDYING?

Did she forget that she kept telling people that throughout her degree at AXATAR, she was constantly having hours-long pre-seminar prep meetings and post-lecture "debriefs" with Blakeney and couldn't get through a single module or assignment without Blakeney explaining things and doing everything for her?

Did she forget that she clearly struggled to learn anything by herself, required huge amounts of peer and tutor support to understand basic concepts and get work done, and took anything any adult at school said as gospel?

But nope, she did everything herself, learned everything on her own and now Oxford taught her the life-long lesson that NO STYEEDUNT IS AN OISLAND, teachers serve a purpose, and LAAAHRNING can be done communally in conversation.

While shouting that she's tossed aside her imaginary "do everything myself" approach to academia and has LAARNED A NEW WAY OF LAAAAHRNING (i.e. the traditional way) and has LAARNED THAT LAAAHRNING SHOULD BE DONE WITH OTHHA PEEPOL AND SHE SHOULD COMMUNICATE ABOUT HAAHR STODDIES, she apparently also forgot that this is supposedly her YAAAHR OF INDEPANDANT LAHHHRNING, which she refuses to talk about with anyone (because no learning is happening and it's just a sham to appear productive).

The utterly incoherent rewriting of history is completely insane. How embarrassing that Ruby was so sheltered and apparently learned absolutely nothing at Oxford that she has to resort to the usual blathering lies to come up with things to talk about to explain her time there.

Ruby's favourite STODDY SPWOT at AWKSFWUD is the DEW-KUMFREES LOIBREE. You may remember this from her Oxford vlogs - it's where "HARRY PWOTTUM" was filmed, and Ruby loved the library so much that she seemingly just forgot she'd been there before and her "first ever" visit there happened about three different times.

Ruby says she can sum up her Oxford experience in one sentence: "Oiy FOINALLY ONDERSTAAHND whOIY it's knyown as theee city of dreaming spoires." Ruby does not elaborate. It seems like that's something a 5 second Google search could clear up for her and didn't require her to burn a year of her life at Oxford.

I can sum up Ruby's Oxford experience in a haiku:

Moping in LOIBREES.
Nothing LAHHRNED, missing mummy.
THARTEE grand wasted.
All of the above 🙏💯 plus the fact that the word or phrase she picked up during her time at Oxford was ”calling the terms Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity” as if they’re called that literally anywhere else in the world (apart from Trinity College Dublin apparently, the more you know 🌈💫)

idk why I’m so peeved at this specifically lol, it’s just so blatantly obvious that her little foray into AXEFUD was 100% for clout, and that if she ends up pursuing a DPhil there it’ll be for vanity and nothing else.
All of the above 🙏💯 plus the fact that the word or phrase she picked up during her time at Oxford was ”calling the terms Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity” as if they’re called that literally anywhere else in the world (apart from Trinity College Dublin apparently, the more you know 🌈💫)

And she says she now she's graduated, she YEEZES these words more than any word or phrase she learned at Oxford. Like...when? Where? In what context?

"Mummy, oiy think oiy have post-Trinity-season BARRNOUT. Can we schedule our naxxt family trip during Michaelmas? Oi've hahhrd it's BEEYOOOTIFOL that toiyme of yaahhr."
She’s lying low, I think it’s been almost a week? Unless you count how she resurfaced briefly on Friday to promote Burden Bland in three or four repetitive insta reels. Mantle halth problems or a desperate scramble to come up with a way to promote Nyord V.P. Anne with an E that doesn’t consist entirely of recycled b-roll?
She’s lying low, I think it’s been almost a week? Unless you count how she resurfaced briefly on Friday to promote Burden Bland in three or four repetitive insta reels. Mantle halth problems or a desperate scramble to come up with a way to promote Nyord V.P. Anne with an E that doesn’t consist entirely of recycled b-roll?
Yeah, I noticed she's been very quiet again and it's surprising that she hasn't uploaded a graduation video given that she did one when she was at Exeter.
”There was this thing called, um, what was it called, I need to find the name of it… it was called Carnival, and it would be on the 12th day of Christmas”

…even giving her the benefit of the doubt and saying she probably meant that Twelfth Night kicked off the Carnival season, this is completely muddled and wildly misleading, and just goes to show that she does zero research for her content. I wish somebody was paying me some NordVPN ass money for making up dumb tit, I’m sure I could do it in a less obvious and embarrassing manner than Rootabaga.
The saddest thing about her latest vlog is that she only goes back to the Victorian age, in history, to try and explain certain traditions, when, in fact, many of them have medieval roots, were suppressed during Henry VIII's reign and Protestantism, before the Georgians and then the Victorians brought things back. Rather pathetic that I live in the US and am more familiar with the Lord of Misrule, Carnival, Shrove Tuesday, and the various traditions that took place during the 12 Days of Christmas (Yuletide) than an Oxford grad student who has lived in England all her life. Her knowledge is so narrow. I would love to hear her try and talk about Krampus. I'm sure she would mess that one up completely!

Vicky pudding, instead of Figgy pudding? Is she an idiot? Don't answer that...I already know. Just freakin look up the lyrics, dimwit.
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Ahhh yes, the famed flag of ancient Albion. She sounds so awkward anytime she mentions empire or colonisation, so obvious she feels like she has to slip it in there but knows duck all about it. 18 minutes of ‘I don’t know why…’ how about you devote some of that individual study and find out 🥴 These cards go semi-viral on academic Twitter every year and are mostly from the Laura Seddon collection. Even taking it from that angle would be more interesting than this lazy commentary on a few examples. It’s very show and tell with her little smug ‘if you didn’t know’ prefaces. Yet another wasted opportunity to do something interesting.
The saddest thing about her latest vlog is that she only goes back to the Victorian age, in history, to try and explain certain traditions, when, in fact, many of them have medieval roots, were suppressed during Henry VIII's reign and Protestantism, before the Georgians and then the Victorians brought things back. Rather pathetic that I live in the US and am more familiar with the Lord of Misrule, Carnival, Shrove Tuesday, and the various traditions that took place during the 12 Days of Christmas (Yuletide) than an Oxford grad student who has lived in England all her life. Her knowledge is so narrow. I would love to hear her try and talk about Krampus. I'm sure she would mess that one up completely!

Vicky pudding, instead of Figgy pudding? Is she an idiot? Don't answer that...I already know. Just freakin look up the lyrics, dimwit.

This is going to sound tangential but hear me out. There was a weird phenomenon I experienced as a British child and in part it involved a fascination with Victorians. But it was more broadly about what I understood to be an inherited ‘’Britishness’’ from Victorian and early 20th century imagery / story. Like it was aspirational (class played a part) - I wanted to be like Enid Blyton characters so bad - but the other half of it was a weird pride that I was inherently linked to them through history/place/culture.

I’ve always had the deep feeling that Ruby still lives in this exact mindset. I grew up working class lol but I can only imagine for Ruby this whole thing was intensified by her actual Mallory Towers boarding school, Manor House gardens in the Home Counties childhood.

The reason her interest in history stops abruptly at the Victorians is because her interest in anything stops abruptly where her fantasies and narrative about herself end. Krampus and medieval paganism aren’t part of her nostalgic colonial 12-year-old child cosplay so they’re not relevant 🥲 same reason she seems to have just recently stumbled across Goethe lol
Vicky pudding, instead of Figgy pudding? Is she an idiot? Don't answer that...I already know. Just freakin look up the lyrics, dimwit.
She then goes on to say she thinks Vicky pudding sounds delicious and she looked up a recipe for it. But it’s ”Victoria pudding”, and Google had no idea what I was on about when I put in ”vicky pudding” - pretty much the only thing that turned up was someone on mumsnet asking if anyone else had misheard it that way. So she’s basically trying to cover up her ignorance by pretending the thing she thought it was really exists, and is better than the thing the song is referencing. There’s nothing lil miss ”if you didn’t know” hates so much as admitting her ignorance.
I'm surprised (not) that she hadn't seen the lyrics written down at all in her TWELVE years of life. But then again she still thinks percent is 'precent' and you'd think she would have seen that word written down in maths classes and in the articles she claims she reads every day. It's not a rare word. Has she seriously not heard someone say 'percent' correctly and thought 'hang on, they say percent I say PREcent, let me just check that'?

If I hear someone pronounce a word differently to how I think it is, I look it up.