Ruby Granger #47 Self Learning at the University of Roobs, Manor campus

Ruby's doing "FLOGMUSS" (aka Vlogmas) on TikTok and it's the usual Ruby-esque dubious list of busywork nonsense.

Ruby, who changes her sheets twice a year at most, insists that first thing in the morning, she "makes her BAD, OFFCWOARSE". She wakes up AAARLEEEY tyeu dyeuu somm WAHHRK bafwore gyoing teuu WAAAAHRK and than AFTAH WAHHRK, she does MWOAR WAHHRK bafwore WAHHRKING ON SOM WAHHHHHRK FWORE WAAAAHRKKKKK.

But as she's about to leave for what is JANUINELY AN EIGHT HOUR DAY OF WAAAHRKKK, she shows that she's taking a stack of library books with spine stickers identical to the ones on The Atlas Six that she was using as a prop to carry around Scotland to get soaked in the rain.

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(You can see the same 'Fantasy' genre dragon silhouette sticker on the book to the left of 'Fly on the Wall' by E. Lockhart.)

So it seems she really has just been borrowing books from the school library at work, just to trash them while using them as props in videos and returning them waterlogged, beaten, covered in toothpaste or god knows what else.
i thought everyone knew fly on the wall was not a good book? it is so cringeworthy. and also aimed at young teenagers
It’s December 7th and she’s on day 4 of Flogmuss. Also she says it’s day 3 on the video, which is par for the course with her, but 1) she managed to get it right in the captions and 2) she posted the video on tt yesterday and on insta a full day later. Plenty of time for a do-over on the voiceover, and it would have taken her 15 minutes max to do it, but did she? Of course the duck she didn’t.
Aaaand she given up on Flogmuss, it’s now the 8th of December and she’s posing with a book by Goat (to whom the rest of the world refers as Goethe) and styling her ugly-ass brown shorts with an equally ugly cardigan featuring Christmas trees.
Uk education system needs a reform or something cause how tf did she never study goethe??? Im from fuckass balkans and the faustus is a mandatory reading in all highschools
I reckon she's given up on Flogmuss because she would just be showing us the same things everyday.
This. Because she really has nothing to show. Over the past numerous years, most of her videos are sponsored and usually sponsored by the same companies. No one new or interesting. If you look on YT you can find tons of other people being sponsored by the same companies. They have a list, and they all put them out around the same time. She isn't special. She is just on the list, with a hundred other names. That is how it works.

So, why nothing else new? Because she isn't doing anything. Unless she is travelling, which usually ends up in a boring, uninformative vlog, she has nothing to show for herself. Her job is part-time and pointless. She still doesn't drive. She has no relationships. She lives with her parents still. She is going nowhere fast. She is the kind of person, who at 40, is still trying to "find herself". Pathetic. She doesn't even have anyone to inspire her. People her age are busy with careers, relationships, some are marrying, some may be having children or at least heading in that direction. They might have their first apartment so can do interesting decor or DIY's, especially around the holidays. She is terrible at everything she does, including studying and discussing literature. She abandoned her own book club when she realized everyone was smarter than her. Art, sewing, ballet, gymnastics, Latin, anything historical, trying to roleplay, high quality videos with beautiful scenic shots, gorgeous outfits and cottagecore vibes....she fails at them all. She has the funds, but not the talent. She keeps dipping back into her Harry Potter and Little Princess stage, but no one wants to go with her. Seen it far too many times, too cringe now at her age. So inappropriate friending minors and wanting to be pen-pals with them. She needs to get off social media for a few years, mature, get a life, some grounding, independence and a purpose. Until then, we will see nothing but her foolishness hashed out, over and over again. She was a spoiled brat as a child, but at least some of her videos had a little purpose to them and she seemed more relatable. Now she is just pure weird, but on a very unnerving scale. Seems she has even abandoned her once a week trips to Oxford, probably because no one cares, and her stuff keeps getting stolen or lost. lol Going for her doctorate in her life, right now, is such a complete waste of time. She hasn't the slightest idea who she is or what she wants to do in life, other than never grow up and stay with her parents forever. Not healthy, at all.
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Moron who is constantly shouting about the WAHHHHRK she's doing refuses to talk about the WAAAAHRK she's doing.

It's JANUINELY not so she can let people believe it's a more important, demanding and time-consuming role than the 4-hours-a-fortnight nepo job it really is! RESPACKT HAHHR PROIVACEEEEEY!
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Moron who is constantly shouting about the WAHHHHRK she's doing refuses to talk about the WAAAAHRK she's doing.

It's JANUINELY not so she can let people believe it's a more important, demanding and time-consuming role than the 4-hours-a-fortnight nepo job it really is! RESPACKT HAHHR PROIVACEEEEEY!
Honestly what does she expect if she keeps on mentioning work 24/7 then people are bound to be curious and ask what she does. She really doesn't help herself at times.
She mentioned making another video for that Milton museum, this is the second one now. Maybe that's her work as well. Nice job though, not having to post much.
She mentioned making another video for that Milton museum, this is the second one now. Maybe that's her work as well. Nice job though, not having to post much.

Ruby doesn't cover her tracks very well. Never has. Everyone found out where her cottage was after she bragged about buying a house.

She is working at Piper's Corner, the school she went to and was bullied at. Part time as an Assistant Librarian. They have several. The library is very small. Children's books. Of course. She is listed on their staff page:

Miss R Bones BA (University of Exeter), MA (Oxford) Assistant Librarian
(*4% new footage.)

The only new footage is for the hilariously lazy sponsor segment, in which Ruby's OTT AMMA WATSON narration just starts overlapping due to zero attention being paid in editing (OFFCWOARSE).

Especially hilarious that Ruby still thinks she needs to lie her ass off in sponsor segments or they won't pay her. Despite pretty much never watching movies or TV shows or using NordVPN, here she pretends that she's watched absolutely every Christmas movie on Netflix and has to resort to VPN shenanigans to access Netflix US's library for something new, all for a flimsy excuse to shoehorn in the sponsor product.
Ruby doesn't cover her tracks very well. Never has. Everyone found out where her cottage was after she bragged about buying a house.

She is working at Piper's Corner, the school she went to and was bullied at. Part time as an Assistant Librarian. They have several. The library is very small. Children's books. Of course. She is listed on their staff page:

Miss R Bones BA (University of Exeter), MA (Oxford) Assistant Librarian

Willingly going back to a place where you were supposedly bullied interesting choice.