I've been lurking rather than contributing, heavy cloud looming and all that. You lot have helped keep my spirits where they should be, thank you all for that. You should be prescribed by the lady doctor, (along with red lipstick obvs) because you are doing as much for me as the little blue pills.
I am doing ok, but yesterdays announcement floored me. Manchester has been in various stages of lockdown since March, except for a few weeks in July. I am reaching my limit.
Jack's antics have given me anger and humour (thanks to you lot) in equal measure. To quote my mum, God rest her, "that Jack, she's a one". Well my mum never said Jack as she never heard of her, but you know what I mean.
Noticed that there is a bee at ten o'clock, just to say it isn't me. I don't do Twitter.
I am pretty certain Kirsty reads here, along with quite a few other journalists. Keep up the pressure Kirsty.