I watch a lot of dating and relationship content on tiktok which naturally leaks into feminism and women empowerment. I sometimes come across posts of butthurt men moaning about the "man haters" and think, you can't even take a little criticism or anger. Just imagine what would happen if your lives were at risk every day.
Then today, I saw this report and it just brought it all home.
One woman killed every 10 minutes: The harrowing global reality of femicide
A sobering report released by UN Women and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on Monday reveals that in 2023, 140 women and girls died every day at the hands of their partner or a close relative, which means one woman killed every 10 minutes.news.un.org
Men talk about misandrists or women hating them but they have no room to talk while this is still happening to women around the world.
In developed and undeveloped countries, crosses religion, class, wealth, education, crime rates. Whatever the situation, women are at risk and not enough is being done.
This is heartbreaking
And they’re not allowed to talk so can’t even tell anyone of their painI'm crying myself watching this - tears of empathy, pity and rage. it's horrific!
So many wonderful, intelligent women deprived of a chance to use that intelligence and to put their skills into practice - and 000's more women condemned to unnecessary suffering and even death, because they are not allowed to visit a male medical practitioner, and now there will be no female ones.
Women will suffer and die, children will suffer and die - but the age of consent for girls has been lowered to 9, so the men will be alright for sex, and that's all that matters!
Indeed!They should have shown his face. What an absolute knob.
Yes - and not just in eastern countries. There are areas of the UK where there are attempts to bring in sharia law. These buggers have destroyed everything good about their own countries and now are doing the same to the west. They won't be happy until everywhere is a hellhole.It's a global outrage yet the West rings it's hands and does nothing. It's spreading too.
I would say that in certain areas there is sharia law in all but name to avoid the legal repercussions. There was something ridiculous like 80 Sharia councils in the early 2010’s - they’ve been part of the UK since the 1980s.There are areas of the UK where there are attempts to bring in sharia law.
This reply is not only totally bonkers but also does this not also sum up why we have to listen to all ‘but won’t people please think about the poor men’ stuff because even the men aren’t thinking about the things that actually make life hard for them
30p Lee never fails to be a prick.