Womanhood and injustices against women #2

Men in general as a group disgust me - I literally feel sick around drunk men screaming and shouting and the way they act in public with the spitting and swaggering and attitude just repulses me.

honestly, same. I have male friends I love and I’m married to a wonderful man.

but I guess now I’m older I’m a lot more conscious of the double standards.

I was watching a reel where ITV were filming a segment about women’s safety… two women were discussing it in a public bench, and a man sat between them and refused to leave. What’s just as bad, is there are so many men oblivious to why this is an issue in the comments of the vid;

They obviously have no understanding of how women aren’t allowed to navigate public spaces the way men are, and have an internalised mindset that women aren’t as entitled to be in the public space as men.

later on that evening, I was on the tube with my husband and a bunch of middle aged men boarded, drinking beer and being loud and obnoxious while glancing over at me periodically. It honestly repulsed me because I just know the same men wouldn’t tolerate women behaving the same way. Because they were basically showing off how “masculine” they were by having a contest between them over who could dominate the space more (through manspreasing and being loud).
And I just know if my husband hadn’t been there, they’d have been eyeing me up and staring. Because that’s what those types do. It repulses me that they dial it down because I “belong” to another man, which shows they know how invasive it is on some level.

and you just know if it’s brought up, they gaslight the tit if you. Like the ITV segment and the men in the comments saying he was free to behave this way because it was a public bench. What they aren’t saying openly is he’s allowed to behave this way because he’s a man and this is his arena, and as women you don’t have as much right to be here and your feelings come after mens’
The thing is I doubt many boys or men even want to be part of the conversation.

it’s like the Sophie smith article I shared mentioned… they discount themselves because they aren’t part of the problem. Or they like to keep the status quo.

so many men in the Pelicot trial claimed they hadn’t don’t anything wrong. They didnt see themselves as part of the problem.

elsewhere in the world there are other men committing similar crimes to women, raping other women the way Giselle was. And they are looking at this trial and truly believing they aren’t the problem, it’s the one off monster of Avignon (ie Dominique pelicot), the bogeyman who is the problem. Not them.
My relationship ended recently and I’m struggling to ever see myself with anyone else which is hard. I’m finding it harder and harder to believe I could ever be in a safe, loving relationship.

Men in general as a group disgust me - I literally feel sick around drunk men screaming and shouting and the way they act in public with the spitting and swaggering and attitude just repulses me.

I‘ve been thinking about this a lot and I’m genuinely starting to think that if my husband (who is an actual treasure amongst men) wasn’t around, I’d just be single.

I used to love men and enjoy their company but more and more these days I just find so many of them obnoxious, selfish and boorish.
Imagine being a resident in that town, as a woman. You’d always be wondering which of your neighbours was one of the filthy pigs who raped Giselle. You’d worry it was your own father, or brother, or husband. Or a friend’s. You’d never feel totally, wholly safe and secure.

the women of this community are indirect victims in this too. It’s disgusting.
I was listening to a podcast just now about the history of Quakers, when they started out in the 1500s(?) they believed women were equal to men which was quite something back then.
Long story short, they ended up having to have separate men's and women's theology discussions because the men weren't listening to the women.

I know this is nothing compared to the tit women put up with but at the same time it's at the heart of everything.
A man's religion defines everything he does including the clothes he wears and what he eats but he still can't stop himself mansplaining and talking over the ladies, even if his God has told him we are the same he still has that innate need to dominate.