I think it’s egg white (consistency)I know what CM is and mine is usually more noticible before I get a positive OP but what’s EWCM?
Oh ok got it, thanks!I think it’s egg white (consistency)
I never really notice mine - and I also have never been able to understand checking my cervix at all. Feel useless at this whole TTC sometimes!
I just did a trial, didn’t think it was worth continuing withFor anyone who uses the Flo app, is the paid version worth it over the free one?
I’m still on the free trial as they extended it for 3 months after I cancelled the first month. However so far the cycle tracker on my iPhone has been more predictable. It’s not a bad app but I definitely wouldn’t pay for itFor anyone who uses the Flo app, is the paid version worth it over the free one?
Hi I’m really sorry to jump on. I’ve just taken a test and I’m really panicked. Does this look positive? I’m not in the best place in life and not in the best relationship I don’t want to sound ungrateful as I know so many struggle to conceive but I’m terrified
Why do they always manage to be annoying bang on ovulation time.. it’s like they’ve got a sixth sense before you tell them it’s timeHow are you all doing ladies? I think I'm ovulating at the mo, well yesterday. Earlier than my flo chart said but rather than peeing on sticks which I just cannot face this month I thought I'd actually listen to my body and judge by CM. Annoyingly my husband annoyed me last night which he doesnt usually do and in normal circumstances i would not have put out had to put it to the back of my mind for the greater good hahaha. We shall see...if this fails (again) ill go back to sticks next month. Sending you all love in these hard times. X
He wasn’t annoying but I felt so tired over the weekend (when I should have ovulated, but I’ve also not tested this month) I just wasn’t in the mood. But needs mustHow are you all doing ladies? I think I'm ovulating at the mo, well yesterday. Earlier than my flo chart said but rather than peeing on sticks which I just cannot face this month I thought I'd actually listen to my body and judge by CM. Annoyingly my husband annoyed me last night which he doesnt usually do and in normal circumstances i would not have put out had to put it to the back of my mind for the greater good hahaha. We shall see...if this fails (again) ill go back to sticks next month. Sending you all love in these hard times. X
@xoxo GG you might want to delete your comment I asked for the original post to be moved so the lady can get some advise without upsetting anyone here x
He wasn’t annoying but I felt so tired over the weekend (when I should have ovulated, but I’ve also not tested this month) I just wasn’t in the mood. But needs must
Also, if it doesn’t happen for me this month, I don’t think I’m going to try next month. I don’t want a Christmas baby
Honestly feel like me and my partner are like this. I know they say it only takes one time but he took that to the extreme this month and we literally DTD once this whole month and now I know I’ve ovulatedWe always end up arguing around ovulation time. He just doesn't seem to get how important it is
I used clear blue opks this month and have had flashing smilies for about a week. I checked with my cheap sticks on cd14 but I'm back to low again. Still checking as I'm freaking out that I've missed it. Blood tests on cd20 so hopefully that will give some indication. Definitely going back to cheapies next month
I’m not sure she would be able to see any signs, or even looking for them? But just to say don’t worry about having the smear, nurses have always made me feel comfortable and it’s over before you know it. You’ll be fine xHonestly feel like me and my partner are like this. I know they say it only takes one time but he took that to the extreme this month and we literally DTD once this whole month and now I know I’ve ovulated
On the off chance I get very lucky - I’m due to have my smear test today (first one ever) I’m roughly 8 DPO but didn’t track this month so it’s only estimated. If anything were to have happened would the nurse be able to see any signs or anything? I’m so nervous about it all
Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing okay. ❤I mentioned in a thread agesssss ago how I started taking inositol in September I think and fell pregnant in October. I was pretty sure I had insulin resistance and after 2 early miscarriages I was willing to try anything. I did a lot of googling!!
A close friend of mine had been trying for a baby since Jan 21 and she asked about my ttc journey, so I told her about inositol even though there's every possibility it was a fluke. She hadn't had any positives since starting her ttc journey. She started taking inositol in Nov 21 and got her first positive on Christmas day 21. She's now 12 weeks and said she did nothing different apart from taking inositol!
I know some of you may have already tried it, but it's something to try if you haven't already. As I said, it could just be a coincidence, but it's 'helped' 4 people that I know of so far. I just wanted to mention it again just in case it helps even if it's just one person.
I've been taking inositol for nearly a month now. I have it in powder form from MyProtein and I take 2g mixed with water with breakfast and 2g at dinner. I'm still in my first cycle so can't comment on that aspect but I have noticed a reduction in unwanted facial hair! If that's all it helps with I'll still be very pleasedif you don’t mind me asking, which brand did you use and which dosage? I’ve been thinking about trying this next if it doesn’t work out this cycle.