I just don’t buy any of it. I would imagine most of us here are similar age to Syd/Ell/Molly. (I am 26).
It IS the age where people start to get engaged, have babies, have serious partners, move away etc. One of my closest long term friends recently moved over to Dubai and now has a boyfriend out there, have I fell out with her over that? NO WAY. In fact it’s made us even closer, we face time a lot, she sends presents over on my birthday etc, I see her every time she’s home and I plan to go over to see her in the new year. You don’t just fall out with people because you now lead different lives ?! What bullshit that is!
I totally get you naturally drift from people we all do it, i have friends from primary school that have remained my friend but naturally we have drifted. We haven’t unfollowed each other on social media, we don’t avoid speaking about each other, we still interact with each others social media posts etc. Her and Ell/Molly have FALLEN OUT. There’s a difference, this isn’t naturally drifting apart. They unfollow each other, don’t speak of each other so suddenly, refuse to even briefly speak on what’s happened and have
crappy attitudes towards each other when they do speak on it.
You don’t fully fall out with your long term friends that were like sisters because you are “different people now”