Chatty Member
Oh fudge off you absolute five headed twit sack of a raging narcissistOmg Syd ‘not to brag’ clearly bragging be quiet x
Ps joined her broadcast to see what she has to say about sleep training - can post if anyone cares
Idk all these elaborate gender reveal parties are backwards and biased anyways especially in this day and age. Revealing a baby's sex and equating it to their gender negates the existence of trans people and I thought we moved past the whole blue for boy, pink for girl? It’s uncomfortably rigid and harmful to affix a label to a child who hasn't even had a chance to enter the world and assume their own identity.
Also sorry to say but Syd absolutely strikes me as one of those close minded people who would throw a fit if their offspring were to ever show signs of gender dysphoria. I’m not even convinced she’d be accepting if one turned out to be queer!