BBC producers have played a long game with this. They knew that they want same sex couples to be included. Last year, two females - one of them National treasure, Nicola Adams. Non-threatening to middle England. That was the toe in the water. At the same time, start prepping for two males. Employed Johannes, but paired with non-threatening Caroline Quentin. Threw in a bit of drag to get the viewers acclimatised. Then a search for a Celeb. John said he knew he was doing SCD In January- I suspect he has been lined up way before then. Since then John is almost unrecognisable from his natural self. Looks twice the size, dyed hair, new teeth, fake tan.He has been preparing the way - the producers had the Celeb partner as being the stronger of the two, as Johannes is slight, and he has bulked up in advance so he can do the heavy lifting. All planned out to get us to this point. Ideally they would like them to win, but Rose has scuppered them.