Today's email from a 'fitness' and 'mindset' influencer.
I can't remember the last time I had a hangover so bad as a 30 something woman that I needed to stay in bed. Also a major pet peeve of mine is people trying to make their drinking sound better by drinking 'posh' stuff. She'd drink bathtub gin out of a stinking boot if it was offered to her. Who is she kidding?
It seems like lots of people are doing “Sober October”, and I definitely considered it. In particular, on the 1st of October when I was hungover after a late Friday night with the girls.
But that’s not my usual behaviour. I think I have only had two hangovers where I stayed in bed since I moved to London.
I just love my life in London, and my training, that I rarely drink enough to have to stay in bed the next day.
But after some more reflection last week, I’ve realised that I’ve been having “one or two” a little more frequently. My weight was slowly increasing over September too.
I know enough to understand the effects that “only one or two” can have on my sleep and health, and also my choices the next day.
So why not just cut it out altogether?
Because it is a part of my social life and I really enjoy a drink. I don’t drink to get drunk. I drink because I *love* a Bordeaux red wine with a cheese board and my family.. I love a glass of bubbles at brunch with friends. Margaritas and Mexican food is my love language.
As with everything in life, I’m trying to find the right balance for me, and after I got the balance wrong last week, it forced me to reevaluate my drinking.
I didn’t think that cutting it out altogether would bring enough benefit to my life relative to the enjoyment I would be removing.
I believe that life is too short to completely remove things that make you happy in pursuit of health. But I’ve been at this long enough to know that you don’t have to.
Last week, I journalled about it.
The goal? Feel good.
The action? Only drink when I really want to. Oh and track calories
The result? I feel fantastic after a week of training efficiently, eating nutritiously, and focusing on sleep. But I also went out for Mexican food on Wednesday, Wagamama’s on Thursday, and I had my brother and his girlfriend over for the weekend so I was able to enjoy my time with them, have the odd drink but only when I really wanted it.
I’m really happy with my choices this week, so I’m just sharing my thought process in case it helps others.
Maybe I will do a sober period but right now, I don’t think it’s for me.
Thanks for reading,
Siobhan “Maybe a dry Jan” O’Hagan