bleeping hell! How old is this kid? Like 4 weeks? How about give each thing a chance to settle/work before moving onto the next thing?
This exactly! Plus she started complaining about ReFlUx at about a week or so after getting poor MM3 home. Factor in the standard 2 day hospital stay after giving birth, and Sarah is basically claiming to have tried a 10+ crackpot remedies at once, and/or barely allowed 1-2 days for any one thing to CuRe H before she tried the next thing.
Not that any of that list was gonna work in the first place, but I call bullshit on the whole thing, like
@twodotohh said. The math reeks of Sezzy over exaggeration. She’s trying so hard to present herself as the good Mum (look at all these things I’m trying), except she gives herself away by not even constructing a plausible timeline. Same thing with the lengthy post saying ‘I have nothing to say’.
witch that wall of text says otherwise! She can’t keep track of her own contradictions. Much like how she writes she’s holding H upright all day and all night, over a photo of him clearly lying down. Are you as stupid as you look, Sarah? What you really wanted to say, was - ‘waaa waaah, I hate being a Mum, give me attention, give me praise for struggling despite my extreme privilege, forget about my baby and focus on MEEEEEEE!’
The subtext of it all is that Sarah is not cracked up to be a mother (surprise surprise), and is once again facing the start reality of being forced to parent. But all will be forgotten once MM3 is old enough to shaft off with the others into someone else’s care. Then all we’ll hear about is how easy motherhood is as Sarah gets her nails done and goes to prolapse Pilates.