I have so many thoughts... Bare with me, some sound defensive, some snarky, some just thoughts.
1. It's clear as day she has PPD and or PPA, and I feel insanely bad for her. I've survived both, barely, and it utterly destroys you. It's beyond your control.
2. I also found it hard to nap with my newborn, and I imagine it's even harder with a kid and a toddler around too. That said, she has admitted she doesn't nap but should and could, so there is a bit of onus on her to act in her best interest. I didn't have the means to hire a Nanny (etc), and no family around, but because of the PND/A, I felt like I couldn't - I HAD to be awake and aware and active and alert... Or so my brain said. I wish I sought help sooner for it and thus had the ability to disconnect and sleep. In her case, I hope she seeks help pronto. Perhaps therapy is enough but I would hope she's open to the discussion of medications.
3. Sleep deprivation sucks. Again, it's soul destroying. I can't imagine she is helping her cause by not taking naps, but even if she was, the interrupted nights are hard. It seems like Kurt is hands on and engaged with the other boys which is good, and they have family around and some what available to help. Sounds like her friends doing the meal train was also wonderful.
4a. I don't think H has reflux. Anatomically ALL babies reflux. It's an immature oesophageal sphincter that causes regurgitation in kids under 6 months. What he IS is unsettled, so we have been told.
4b. On that note, I don't blame her for only story-ing when he's calm. I wouldn't film when my son was upset either. Ever. (Thus I have like no photos or videos of us for the first 6 months sadly -- I timed it one day, at 10wo he screamed for 6 hours, only stopping for boob and sleep).
4a. Plus, Infants don't have acidic stomachs like adults do, so even when he's vomiting or possetting, it's not painful.
5. Paediatric chiros are useless and tongue tied are over diagnoses. Hot take I know. But seriously. We are designed to be born the way we are, we don't get "out of alignment" in birth, no matter how hard or easy the delivery. They're just taking her money.
6. She's so quick to jump on to food exclusions. Now, I DID have a child with CMPI, as well as a spirited personality/temperament, who ONLY contact naps and still at 1.5yo will only boob to sleep and cosleep and is up 5x a night -- so again I'm biased asn I feel her -- but damn, she cut out a lot QUICK. I GET it. I did the same, despite medical training (doctor, like, proper, not a chiro lol). But a quick read of PROPER sources tells you things like garlic and onion (and coffee!!) don't get transferred in breast milk. Dairy and soy do, and very VERY rarely things like corn, but it's not the first thing we suggest. Because food exclusions? A nightmare. Absolutely mental, ON TOP of sleep deprivation and an unsettled newborn? No wonder she's acting off.
7. I'd strongly suggest she continues seeing the GP IBCLC if they're Possums or NDC accredited. They'll do the tongue tie assessment, be quick to pick up PND/A, help with winding H down (thus making him less unsettled), and generally are a godsend for unsettled families.
8. She did moan a lot in labour, so early on. That said, I know everyone labours differently. Some women moan loud, some are silent. I've delivered many babies and it's so fascinating how we all vary. Personally, I was doing ok at home in the shower or using my tens until hour 10, when I was 5cm (I found out later lol I didn't examine myself), and I don't think I moaned like that until later... But who cares if she did. THAT SAID, she preached about doing hypno birthing and using the comb and stuff, so... Surely she knew not to waste all that energy so early on?
9. She's definitely envious of her sisters water home birth. I truly think psychology will help her dissect the why. WHY did she needs to have an unmedicated birth? WHY is a water birth better? (Of course this is from her POV, I don't think it's better myself lol). WHY did she feel she needed permission for an epidural? WHY does she need to prove herself? To who?
10. The dissociation stuff is probably the wrong word being used - she detached. She's also very dramatic, if the health care workers were that worried about her state they would've done an emergency Caesar. It's OK she was deflated and sad and annoyed, and that's probably what they commented on.
11. Nothing scarier than emergency team coming in, I know from being on both sides now. I feel for her. Definitely not a redemptive birth (again I wonder WHY she wanted or needed one).
12. The way she talks about caesareans boils my blood. I had an emergency one at 10cm (funny enough I also had a swollen anterior cervical lip lol but it was my son de-sating as he got stuck that made us call it). It ISNT the easy way out or a failure.
13. Her rush to the gym makes sense - it's how she feels productive. It's pathological and it makes me sad for her. Why not a nice walk with your kid/s? Why not at home? Why not with Kurt?
14. I feel conflicted about her sharing like she is. She is being VERY raw and I appreciate that. She is also being very dramatic which I get is her thing. She is also being very very stubborn from what she's sharing. I also wonder if she would be better funnelling the energy she puts into story-ing into therapy.
I had more to say I am sure but I can't think any more lol.
Overall? I hope she finds a good GP, NDC practitioner, psychologist and also offers food, hires a cleaner, hires a gardener, hires babysitters, and finds the time she needs to adjust to being a family of 5.
No chiro needed. No tongue tie cut needed.
If she needs a diet adjustment, talk to a dietician.
We know she can afford it. Even if it meant selling the other house or downgrading a car etc, Sarah if you're reading, it's worth it. As much as we snark, I truly think you're worth it. Worth the help. Worth the recovery.