Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively

I have to say, having read the allegations within the lawsuit, they read to be horrendous and I feel sorry for blake if she went through such harassment. I fell for the Jason is great & Blake isn't hook line & sinker! Good old Hollywood PR.

However, she is unable to blame his and his PR for smearing her during the press run as she clearly showed how out of touch she & Ryan are to believe promoting a drink and hair care along a dv movie is a good idea.

That said, I'd love to see her messages to her PR during this time too.
After reading the majority of the lawsuit I feel so bad for her! What a vile, manipulative, narcissistic excuse of a man Justin is! And those awful women who he works with and hired! Like how can you look at yourself in the mirror knowing you’re actively trying to ruin someone’s career and life? Like where is the mortality and humanity.
I definitely fell for the Blake Lively hate train at the time and knowing just how far they went with it (and succeeded!) makes me feel sick. No matter what you think of Blake as a person or her behaviour during the press tour (she was told by the production company to promote the film as being more uplifting and to avoid discussing the more ‘heavier’ aspect of the film can I also add) no one deserves to be treated like that.
No one outside of the UK actually cares about Kate Middleton or whatever silly titles she has, everyone was talking tit about her here, including talk show hosts.
I think Blake was asking for trouble mocking Kate. Talk show hosts can get away with being more controversial, and tattlers can obviously say what we like but that was always going to blow up in her face. Also there are many Americans who are fans of the British royal family. I personally don’t give a toss. But it did come across as catty from Blake.
No one outside of the UK actually cares about Kate Middleton or whatever silly titles she has, everyone was talking tit about her here, including talk show hosts.
Thats your opinion. The British Royal Family is still highly regarded outside of the UK. Based on my observation, anyone who has issues or displays unrequited disrespect of Princess Catherine is probably a fan of The Duchess of Sussex. It’s a shame that it needs to be that way.
I haven’t read the documents, but honestly there’s probably wrong on both sides here. I still think had her reputation not been trashed she wouldn’t be taking legal action and to be honest, most of what I had issue with personally was Blake’s promotion of the film…she came across as completely out of touch and Justin has nothing to do with that. I think she’s a mean girl who’s pissed off and yes Justin potentially has been a creep from what I’ve heard in the documents…it will be interesting to see how it plays in court as we also have to remember whilst this obviously looks terrible what is being claimed …we are only seeing a singular side of what played out and only Blake’s version of things.
So, I small opinion on this, I get she was completely out of touch with promotion of the movie. It was tone deaf without the PR sabotage, which then threw it into tit storm. But these allegations are horrible, and it does show that people are so willing to hate in hearsay. “She’s been in the business for long enough” blah blah but she is also a mum of four (I believe) returning to work, and she is a ticking time bomb with her age and Hollywood standards. If those things have happened, it’s truly horrific, and I would want my husband micromanaging the situation regardless of who he was.
I think the most likely scenario is usually the truth. They are both big cunts, he probably acted inappropriately like many men in Hollywood, she didn't GAF at the time as long as she got her paycheck and her Barbie moment, she didn't, made it worse by behaving like a massive twit, then is going in guns blazing blaming everyone else and using anything she can to stoke the fire.
Like a lot of the “#MeToo” of Hollywood, it’s just a paycheque and publicity status to the already rich from a lost PR battle. No one wants to see justice or a change to the systems they just want money and to be loved with a great public image.

I think she has been badly advised both with her PR for the movie and this. She should’ve pulled out of the movie during filming if he was making her that uncomfortable that she waited 4 months after release and what, a year from filming. This is purely damage control for her career not her fighting for anything else. And I think she’s made what was left of the movie go from bad to worse. Colleen Hoover must be fuming as Justin owns the rights and there’s no WAY he’d give it up now.

The rumours are she’s pushing this to get him to give her the rights for the second movie which is why she hasn’t sued the main production company, just his which is kinda odd and off.
So, I small opinion on this, I get she was completely out of touch with promotion of the movie. It was tone deaf without the PR sabotage, which then threw it into tit storm. But these allegations are horrible, and it does show that people are so willing to hate in hearsay. “She’s been in the business for long enough” blah blah but she is also a mum of four (I believe) returning to work, and she is a ticking time bomb with her age and Hollywood standards. If those things have happened, it’s truly horrific, and I would want my husband micromanaging the situation regardless of who he was.

Blake and Ryan having an iffy reputation gave Baldoni an open goal so far as smearing them.

Their prior behaviour made accusations of egotism and power grabbing very believable. I imagine he knew that right from the beginning.

Why Blake took the approach she did on the PR tour could have several reasons: actual lack of thought on her part, emotional disconnect from the film due to Baldoni's behaviour, following studio mandates because people are more likely to watch a romcom than a film about DV, or some combo of all three.

However, none of that absolves Baldoni, and I hope him tangling with people with a lot of resources and industry clout (Ryan's basically the only man making Marvel any serious money these days so he's effectively got the Mouse in his corner) means he'll actually face consequences.
I don't think we will ever know the truth. She also hired a PR firm to smear him which is why he retaliated with his own crisis management.

It does make you wonder what really happened and what the real issue is. Did anything inappropriate happen on set? Who knows
Is it smearing or is it spreading the truth? that's the question. just like his PR team technically didnt smear her the same may apply to her own.

I feel like the focus is way too much on the PR doing a fairly normal job rather than the accusations they have tried to burry. makes me wonder if this is again influenced by them lol
I was fairly ambivalent to the "cancelling" PR pile on that happened during the summer. I'm fairly sick of the way everybody has to be so careful and literally put every statement/tweet/insta post through their PR so they don't offend. I actually thought it was a slow news month and BL pissed of a reporter so the pile on began. I remember watching the video from the Norwegian journo Kjerstin Flaa and thinking that BL wasn't THAT rude. I actually thought the journo came across badly too, pulling faces and not really developing any rapport with her interviewees.

The promo for IEWU was very odd though. Reading the lawsuit filing today makes the BL promo make more sense, although I'm not sure where the personal promo of buzz/hair products came into it. I'm not a BL fan, I never watched GG, I don't think I've ever watched any movie that she's starred in. My entire knowledge of BL is that she seems to enjoy having lots of kids and is friends with Taylor Swift. It annoys the bejesus out of me when I see articles where herself and RR "drag" each other on social media. It was funny doing it once, now its just ridiculous.

When reading the whole filing, it makes horrible sense that JB is like every other slimebag in Hollywood. The fact that the backers and the production company and himself are all intertwined and I'm assuming that all the sexual harassment occurred before the break in filming for the strike. The meetings and HR and insistence of intimacy co-ordinators seemed to happen when filming restarted. I'd say he was absolutely livid and was out for revenge and wanted to take her down.

The lawsuit is like a 2 branch document, one is the SA, which if all that is listed is true is horrific. JB and his cronies sound like completely brazen, lecherous dickheads, but a huge part of the document focuses on the smear campaign that JB allegedly put in motion against BL post production and culminating in the film promo where she was contracted to not focus on the DV narrative, where he pivots from the brief and does media from the DV angle. The talk of why he was doing promo alone and nobody from the cast was following him on social was also disrupted by the smear campaign. BL also maintains that her side businesses were severely impacted as she withdrew in the weeks and months following the smear campaign and her brands suffered financially as a result.

I'm actually surprised that BLs legal team have got to this point so quickly. Subpoenas and court orders take time, I'd say herself and RR were absolutely spitting bullets when the smear campaign started and were on it very quickly. They are inside Hollywood and know the players and the game.

This pains me to think this, but I reckon if it was just the sexual harassment and JB was stopped in his tracks when filming resumed, there would be no lawsuit. The smear and cancel campaign is what got BL and RRs blood boiling. JB couldn't help himself and look where it's got him now.

Was reading some tweets about Kjirstin Flaa - apparently not her first time doing someone dirty at the behest of Melissa Nathan.
I think there were issues with the hair care promotion, like maybe it was due to have happened before the film came out or it was brought forward. I’m pretty sure it.

i feel sorry for her if she was truly told to promote the film a certain way, followed that and then has had her reputation tarnished as a result.

i think her and Ryan having films come out at the same time and both being everywhere was too much for the public and did not do them any favours. Both films were huge successes though in their own right. Interesting how Ryan’s reputation hasnt seemingly been as damaged by all of this.

i think the rand9m interview dredged up showing Blake being snarky to an interview was driven by pushing out this negative image of her by his PR team. Lots of old random interviews are often rediscovered years later, randomly. Someone was obviously looking for things of this nature. Im not saying it was good behaviour, but I’ve been pregnant and I cannot imagine having to work, promote and do press all day when you actually feel awful and would prefer to be at home. It’s part and parcel of her job, I get that.

my opinion of Blake has definetely been up and down throughout all of this.

im inclined to believe what she has said about Justin.
i also believe the smear campaign against her was led by him.
I also now seen how wooden she is as an actress and really has not got a huge body of work to her name for her a list status.
ive noticed how carefully curated hers and Ryans images are.
shes had a ton of really impressive cosmetic work done.
the promotion angle re florals was wrong. The promotion of her multiple businesses and a second film, whilst promoting this film were not a good idea.
She has a very large ego as does Ryan. I can kind of see why though. She has a good life and she’s done incredibly for herself.
i wonder if things would actually be better for her if she just rode this crap period out and then came back in the future with more films. I think a simple favour 2 is currently filming. I imagine this is long term damage control she is focussed on now.
reputation is everything.

interested to see where this all goes.
i feel sorry for her if she was truly told to promote the film a certain way, followed that and then has had her reputation tarnished as a result.
This isn’t aimed just to you but just quoted your post. This is the bit I genuinely do not understand.
HOW can you be part of a movie about DV and it not scream alarm bells that you’re “being told” to promote it as a rom com… I’m sorry, she should have been screaming from the roof tops before signing anything to say she wasn’t happy with that promotion angle. How could she not have foreseen the backlash???

Even the author of the book when it was released faced backlash from DV survivors for it not carrying a trigger warning/for the way things were written.

Her blaming the contract (true or not) does not make me better think of her or feel sorry for her regarding the whole promotion stuff. It screams that she’s pissed off she faced backlash/lost money so wants to blame someone else.
You do realise she did the exact same? And - it all started from her and her camp?
No she didn’t? She didn’t sexually harass Justin? What exactly did she ‘start’ that justifies Justin and his teams actions? The whole reason they started the smear campaign is because they knew Blake was probably going to talk about his behaviour and they wanted to get in there first to prevent anything getting out and because they knew that the whole cast unfollowing him is going to raise alarm bells. The evidence is literally right there in the lawsuit.
This isn’t aimed just to you but just quoted your post. This is the bit I genuinely do not understand.
HOW can you be part of a movie about DV and it not scream alarm bells that you’re “being told” to promote it as a rom com… I’m sorry, she should have been screaming from the roof tops before signing anything to say she wasn’t happy with that promotion angle. How could she not have foreseen the backlash???

Even the author of the book when it was released faced backlash from DV survivors for it not carrying a trigger warning/for the way things were written.

Her blaming the contract (true or not) does not make me better think of her or feel sorry for her regarding the whole promotion stuff. It screams that she’s pissed off she faced backlash/lost money so wants to blame someone else.

I imagine she followed the narrative because she was at the point where she wanted to put the whole thing behind her?
Are you going to fight a point in a contract when you have probably have PTSD from the filming etc? When the smear campaign is probably already getting going and rumours are circling of the "difficult atmosphere" on set? Women, and particularly when they are the bigger star are always made out to be difficult, whereas men are perfecting their craft, or whatever.

I would be fulfilling my contract and getting the hell out of dodge.
This isn’t aimed just to you but just quoted your post. This is the bit I genuinely do not understand.
HOW can you be part of a movie about DV and it not scream alarm bells that you’re “being told” to promote it as a rom com… I’m sorry, she should have been screaming from the roof tops before signing anything to say she wasn’t happy with that promotion angle. How could she not have foreseen the backlash???

Even the author of the book when it was released faced backlash from DV survivors for it not carrying a trigger warning/for the way things were written.

Her blaming the contract (true or not) does not make me better think of her or feel sorry for her regarding the whole promotion stuff. It screams that she’s pissed off she faced backlash/lost money so wants to blame someone else.

Yeah I don't get that either, if they wanted to not focus on the DV but be lighter in tone during promotion then wouldn't the actors be coached to talk about how the film is a story of hope, survival and a female character being her own saviour or some such pr fluff, not "here's my hair care line, my drinks brand, grab your gals and florals"?