Ruby Granger #47 Self Learning at the University of Roobs, Manor campus

I think she probably withdrew said offer because of her fear of rejection -- easier to withdraw it herself so she can say it was her decision than risk not meeting the conditions and having to admit that fact to others. Just like how she decided to switch to studying theology one random Thursday afternoon after getting rejected at undergrad. That way she got to say that, actually, she didn't want to study english at all so it was a blessing in disguise.

Also explains why she was still stressed about meeting the conditions after already withdrawing her application. She still had to prove it was her choice.
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She’s making hot butterbeer over on tiktok (just half a mug tyvm) and the end result doesn’t look appetizing in the least, but what really gets me is the state of their kitchen. There’s clutter all over the counters, and everything is just grungy.

She’s making hot butterbeer over on tiktok (just half a mug tyvm) and the end result doesn’t look appetizing in the least, but what really gets me is the state of their kitchen. There’s clutter all over the counters, and everything is just grungy.

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It didn't even remotely look like Butterbeer and the whipped cream effort was so poor as she hardly added any. In fact it looked like watery milk.
I think she's running out of money. She hasn't been posting to youtube consistently, her masters had to cost quite a bit, and she takes a lot of vacations, and all of sudden she has withdrawn her phd application to work a 9-5 when she has never worked a full time job a day in her life before.
I don’t think there’s any version of the universe in which she’s in danger of running out of money. Even if she did pay for her degree herself, what expenses does she have, living with mummy and daddy? They won’t be charging her rent. Nyord V. P. Anne with and E has more than paid for her replacement laptop, and just about all of the videos she puts out these days are sponsored, not to mention all the undeclared ads. The ”9 to 5” she has is three days a week straightening out the shelves in the library of her old school, she’s doing it just to have something to do and pad out her CV, not for the money. Daddy Bones has millions squirreled away in offshore accounts and will have set her up financially from the day she was born, she’s never going to actually face the concept of supporting herself in anything but a very superficial way.
I think she's running out of money. She hasn't been posting to youtube consistently, her masters had to cost quite a bit, and she takes a lot of vacations, and all of sudden she has withdrawn her phd application to work a 9-5 when she has never worked a full time job a day in her life before.
Nah, can't think that's true. She either withdrew before decisions because she knew she wouldnt get it, or she withdrew because she didn't get funding.

She's made remarks recently about studying things with a view to a potential PhD topic, if I recall correctly. Whether she will have another crack at it is a different matter.

She's working because quite frankly most people would go potty with nothing to do but frolick, and it gives her something to say she was doing in that time if she finally decides to give it up.
Nah, can't think that's true. She either withdrew before decisions because she knew she wouldnt get it, or she withdrew because she didn't get funding.

She's made remarks recently about studying things with a view to a potential PhD topic, if I recall correctly. Whether she will have another crack at it is a different matter.

She's working because quite frankly most people would go potty with nothing to do but frolick, and it gives her something to say she was doing in that time if she finally decides to give it up.

she was offered a place, so probably withdrew due to not receiving funding
Very happy for her actually. If she got an unfunded offer once it’s pretty likely she’ll get another if she applies next year. Very telling that she didn’t mention applying to any other unis - she doesn’t want to just do a PhD, she wants to do a PhD/DPhil at Oxford specifically. Wonder if she even bothered applying elsewhere
Yeah, no way this is about money. Every sponsored video nets her a couple of grand at least, plus the ad revenue, plus the money she's saved over the years, then the passive income from rent on her cottage, all while paying no rent or major bills.

She eagerly burned tens of thousands to return to uni for her Masters despite no interest in studying anything, just for the ego boost of being able to finally brag that she went to Oxford. I don't think she's hurting for cash and will easily be able to pay for a PhD without funding if she chooses.

I think her withdrawing is equal parts:

A. She's clearly terrified of adulthood (not exactly surprising that the major topic of conversation with her therapist is apparently leaving childhood behind) so she pulled yet another gap year out of the hat to delay the real world as long as she could.

B. She didn't get the content mileage out of Oxford that she wanted. Considering that she only really wanted to go to Oxford so she could brag about it in videos and show off the DARK MACADAMIA environment, not having the time to make videos is a real problem. Like @slamvs27 mentions, 4 years of that in a row would really throw a wrench in her channel.

If the only scant content she can make at Oxford is her looking miserable while moping around LOIBREEES in poorly-shot videos at what's supposed to be JANUINELY her dream uni, it's not exactly appealing. Worse still for her, it curbs her ability to pretend to be doing 8 billion things a day, which is the ego-boosting smoke-and-mirrors tit she thrives on.

Contrast with this gap year, where she delightedly announces that she'll be juggling a 9-5 job, running a stationery company, making YEECHEEB VIDEEYOWWWS, various "PROJACKTS", her imaginary curriculum, writing, reading, etc. All fictional/wildly embellished, of course (she's still faking whole days of work as seen in her latest routine video) but it's the kind of "ANVY ME AS OIY DYEU MORE THAN YEU CAN!" fake productivity nonsense she can't go without for 4 years.

C. She clearly doesn't enjoy studying and actively avoids engaging with the learning process wherever possible, so studying at higher levels where she can't cheat as much or get Blakeney to do half the work really puts her through the ringer. She essentially admits as much in this video, but couches it with the usual "BOT OIY LOFF LAHRNING SYO VARRY MOCH AND AWSFWUD IS JANUINELY MOIY DREAM!" bull.

I'd give her credit for taking a gap year and focusing on growing up, getting some work experience and dipping her toe in the real world, but it doesn't seem like that's what she's doing. She'd have been far better off getting a real job with no ties to her old school or parents, something that might challenge her and not give her free rein to take as much time off as she wants.

Instead, she just went and got another "show up when you want" no-stakes, no-challenge nepo job at her old school again, where she can cosplay as a child in a school environment for yet another year. Just like her previous part-part-part-time classroom assistant's assistant's assistant role, it's not a real job, much as she seems to want to embellish it into one, and immersing herself in another childhood environment seems creepy and counter-productive.

And alongside that, she's just back to playing make-believe with fake school schedules and completely made-up accomplishments to brag about to gullible children while she slobs around her childhood bedroom for another year. This doesn't seen like smart decision-making or working on her mental health, it's just regression.
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The first half of my 20s was about education, yeah, but it was fundamentally about financial stability ie earning and saving money for the first time, financial independence, and lining up my career so I’d be able to earn money in the future. I’m neither rich nor poor lol but I’m just saying financial necessity in the short and long term influenced pretty much all the decisions I made in early adulthood.

I can’t really conceive of what I would have done with my time or my life without some degree of financial necessity. I would have missed out on so many other skills and accomplishments. Ruby is set for life… no wonder she seems bored all of the time and half-arses everything. And no wonder she is struggling to move into her later 20s / established adulthood. She hasn’t had a single external motivator since she was about 16. Her inner motivations like passion for literature etc are now luke warm. She must be so so lost and thankfully has realised just in time that more academia isn’t really the answer right now.

IMO the best thing she could do right now is move out. On her own. A little 1 bed in Cambridge or something. She could even buy it, who cares, although preferably without her parents help. Maybe a mortgage Ruby? And a job. Part time, remote, who cares. Social media / research / admin / archive … anything. It’ll be competitive and difficult at first but that’s the point. She is obviously craving this sort of restriction and direction.
She is not running out of money 🤣 how do people still have no idea the amount of money influencers make. My ‘vacations’ cost more than hers as well. All she does is stay in grotty places, buy second hand books, and eat kids food. She’s not a spender and has no normal adult outgoings (rent, car/fuel costs etc.).
Please forgive me for not watching the whole video; I've got a lot going on right now. Did she say what the mental health struggles were about? Has she ever really admitted to having problems with her mental health (in a real way)?