Ruby Granger #47 Self Learning at the University of Roobs, Manor campus

I have to say I'm really relieved to hear she isn't doing a PhD and focusing on her mental health instead. I know it must have been a hard decision for her to decline the PhD since she would have LOVED saying she's doing a PhD in Oxford. Really happy at least now common sense won. It would really have been a devastating experience for her.
I hope she is really working on mental health during this year but at least she mentioned she's in therapy. Also, growing up and childhood seem to be a theme in her therapy so hopefully her therapist is on to something and can help her actually loose this fear of growing up.
Haven't even watched this, but I somehow doubt the veracity. At no point did she act like she'd been accepted. If it is true, sorry, but RIP Oxford.

Edit: She made a huge deal about needing a certain mark to be eligible for an Oxford PhD program - but she had already withdrawn the application? Makes so little sense. I also find her worship of the PhD (as someone in the final stages of one) quite sick. Hopefully she works on that.

Yes, for someone who is supposedly so smart and so sure of herself, she is constantly changing big plans. She changed her major at Exeter and kept flipping back and forth to what she was interested in. Then she withdraws her application for her PhD at Oxford? Insane! She obviously hasn't the slightest idea about what to do with her future and is in some kind of limbo state she purposefully put herself in so she can delay "adulthood" for several more years. She even said she will wait to apply next year or several years later, so I'm not even convinced she will try for next year. She never finishes anything (Latin, ballet, gymnastics, sewing, studies) and will never really master anything, at this rate. She has been pretty giddy about being back at home, playing pretend and dress-up, so I think so long as her parents allow it, she will remain in this mode.
She even said she will wait to apply next year or several years later, so I'm not even convinced she will try for next year.
Yeah, I'm not convinced that she will apply for a PhD next year or several years later as I think she'll back out of it again and say that a PhD isn't for her. I mean she tries to make out that her job is not a library assistant job at her old school as she says it is very different to academia and that it feels like a break from academia when it isn't as she is still in an educational setting. She also states that the job can be quite tricky when in actual fact all she is likely to be doing is assisting the day to day running of the library, assisting pupils by helping them to find certain books that they may need, supervising pupils in their use of the library facilities, keeping the library tidy and shelving materials in correct order and to assist with entering data onto the library computer system.
Yeah, I'm not convinced that she will apply for a PhD next year or several years later as I think she'll back out of it again and say that a PhD isn't for her. I mean she tries to make out that her job is not a library assistant job at her old school as she says it is very different to academia and that it feels like a break from academia when it isn't as she is still in an educational setting. She also states that the job can be quite tricky when in actual fact all she is likely to be doing is assisting the day to day running of the library, assisting pupils by helping them to find certain books that they may need, supervising pupils in their use of the library facilities, keeping the library tidy and shelving materials in correct order and to assist with entering data onto the library computer system.

Her comments about her job were really strange. I don't know why she is claiming she is not in academia for a change, as though she has spent years working in a university or something. I found this picture of the library at her old school. I'm laughing so hard. It looks like a kindergarten. Why does she act like part time work at a place like this is tiring and challenging, and she is learning so much. Like what? How to put a book back on a shelf? Dust? Vacuum? I mean, we do know how filthy her room and house is. Maybe she is learning basic adulting skills?
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Haven't watched her in a while but bored and curious just decided to click on the Q&A YT stuck in my front page. What have i missed?she seems to be talking normally... it's very discombobulating..what happened to the fake cheery little girl voice?
I thought she sounded different, sounded like the Princess of Wales to me, very posh and clipped.
it sounds quieter more normal and not full of affectations and weird pronounciations. I think maybe that therapist is doing her the power of good. I've never seen her so down to earth and honest - about not going to college, about seeing a therapist, about the odd clothing choices she makes etc.. I really hope she is starting to recover from all her issues
I'm honestly surprised that she's not doing a PhD right away and it's probably the most sensible thing that she's done. Though a part of me is thinking that she'll take a gap year or two before prolonging growing up by eventually doing the PhD.

I don't know if she would be able to admit to herself that she does not want to do a PhD. It goes against the Ruby Granger image / persona that she's created for herself. I could see her pushing through with a PhD eventually to fulfil the Ruby Granger image than actually admitting that she does not want to do one.
it sounds quieter more normal and not full of affectations and weird pronounciations. I think maybe that therapist is doing her the power of good. I've never seen her so down to earth and honest - about not going to college, about seeing a therapist, about the odd clothing choices she makes etc.. I really hope she is starting to recover from all her issues

You know what, in that video she actually sounded like a young adult making actual grownup choices.
I don't know what to think about her still roleplaying university at home, but not doing a PhD right now, taking care of her mental health and having an actual job are things I would have given her as advice a year ago.
Also, at some point, move out from home, but since she is really obviously struggling with mental health I'll give her that for the moment.
it sounds quieter more normal and not full of affectations and weird pronounciations. I think maybe that therapist is doing her the power of good. I've never seen her so down to earth and honest - about not going to college, about seeing a therapist, about the odd clothing choices she makes etc.. I really hope she is starting to recover from all her issues
I agree - there were a lot of things in this video that really seemed more honest and self-aware and honestly just more age-appropriate than her usual content. I also think working at her old school may be a way to help her grow up - being in an environment she spent a lot of time in as a child, but in the role of an adult.

It’s a nice change, but I’m sure she’ll get back to twirling in the garden soon enough.
Her comments about her job were really strange. I don't know why she is claiming she is not in academia for a change, as though she has spent years working in a university or something. I found this picture of the library at her old school. I'm laughing so hard. It looks like a kindergarten. Why does she act like part time work at a place like this is tiring and challenging, and she is learning so much. Like what? How to put a book back on a shelf? Dust? Vacuum? I mean, we do know how filthy her room and house is. Maybe she is learning basic adulting skills? View attachment 3216227 q

To be fair a lot of public libraries look like this now in the UK too, white shelves that you can move around to open up space, reading nooks and bright coloured seating. I think lots of places use the same company (Design Concept) when having a refurb.
Her comments about her job were really strange. I don't know why she is claiming she is not in academia for a change, as though she has spent years working in a university or something. I found this picture of the library at her old school. I'm laughing so hard. It looks like a kindergarten. Why does she act like part time work at a place like this is tiring and challenging, and she is learning so much. Like what? How to put a book back on a shelf? Dust? Vacuum? I mean, we do know how filthy her room and house is. Maybe she is learning basic adulting skills? View attachment 3216227 q
This kind of library at a high school shouldn’t even need a librarian (just a couple student volunteers and maybe a TA coordinating them) let alone a library ASSISTANT as well 🥴

1. Kind of what people have already said, but I just feel she doesn’t want to do the PHD yet as it’s the highest you can go in academia without actually working, and she wants to be a perpetual student. Once she’s done that her Oxford student identity will end forever. By delaying it it won’t end quite yet..

2. I also feel she doesn’t want to give up her self learning at home and go back to an environment she doesn’t enjoy so much. Go start a scary new thing or sit at home where it’s safe, being a future Oxford student? What will Ruby choose
i can’t imagine what use a phd in early modern english lit would be anyway😂 what a waste of time and money
Not everything actually has to be ‘useful’! By useful I assume you mean useful to a capitalist society. So many people (maybe not Ruby) genuinely do love studying. If I could afford the time/money and didn’t need to worry about getting a good job to support myself I would’ve loved to do a PhD in a ‘useless’ subject and stay in academia.
Not everything actually has to be ‘useful’! By useful I assume you mean useful to a capitalist society. So many people (maybe not Ruby) genuinely do love studying. If I could afford the time/money and didn’t need to worry about getting a good job to support myself I would’ve loved to do a PhD in a ‘useless’ subject and stay in academia.
Your contribution made me think. Part of me is envious of Ruby's ability not to have to work for a living and to be able to study endlessly too, apparently with no responsibilities. I don't envy her ED, and apparent lack of social life and, ironically, her questionable productivity. But I definitely feel critical of how she does things because she has aspects of a potentially wonderful lifestyle that I could never have, certainly at her age and doesn't seem to really appreciate it.
Wow. I actually can’t believe she withdrew. I’m half gutted for her but think that’s a really mature decision. I don’t think she got funding, which might have made the decision to reapply easier. I know people doing a PhD get a bad rap for being a ‘perpetual student’ but it is actually a job. I think that’s the part she’d struggle with most tbh - organising the workload and overall project without being handheld or having the structure of a degree. Hopefully this year out will help (although I still think she’s doing too much research too early for the new application). She needs to build a few real-world skills and work with other adults, which the job in school will allow her to do, to allow for that step up that a PhD is. I think she’d enjoy a PhD outside of oxbridge more but that’s just imo.