Pregnancy Off Topic #5 “Are men ok??”

My MiL is a weird one, she can go months and months of being alright then suddenly she’ll decide to act like an almighty head for a while. We are currently at the head stage. I’ve been so laid back with her about the baby, literally no restrictions, cuddle him when you want, don’t ask etc, the only rule I’ve put in place is please please do not kiss him (obvious reasons). She’s decided to ignore it. She keeps kissing him and it’s really bothering me. I find it so disrespectful that she’s ignoring my request, especially when I’ve clearly explained the reasons to her (RSV, premature so weak immune system). It makes me wish I hadn’t been so laid back with her because she thinks she can do what the duck she wants. And when confronted about it she’ll say “he’s my grandson I will kiss him if I want” 😫😫 so disrespectful, I’m his mum and I’m asking you not to!

Also she can’t just sit still with him she always bounces him about like a fuckin ragdoll then wonders why he cries 😂

It angers me sooooo much when people don’t respect wishes and kiss babies!
We have been quite firm on boundaries and I don’t think it went down well but it’s paying off. I watched my dad stop himself from kissing baby b when we were over the other day so he’s clearly learning 😂
We had some friends over who don’t have children and I nearly lost my mind with them touching everything of the baby’s. I’m getting better at letting other people hold him but still internally hate it 🙈
God they do sound exactly the same. What does your OH think about it all?

He thinks she's absolutely nuts. She's gone through phases of different things but has definitely reached peak crazy now. Whenever we visit he likes to ask her loads of questions and get her all wound up and angry, he thinks it's hilarious. One of the reasons I hate visiting. Other is her home is an absolute health hazard 😬 They've been stockpiling food and stuff for the end of days (which has supposed to have happened five times over already) so there is stuff everywhere. Plus they have a basement and leave it open and there's no guard rail or anything. So easy for me to fall down let alone the kids!
Im so glad mine lives in another country, even though she threatened to come home for a few weeks ‘to help.’ I quickly said I don’t need her help.

She’s been wrecking my head this pregnancy, making it all about her being a grandmother and doing nothing to help us prepare or even bother texting me.
My 4 year old started reception today! He only went for an hour, it was a stay and play session where one parent gets to go. Of course he chose his Dad 🤣 so off they went to school… apparently my fella was the only dad there 🤣

He said that the teacher came up to my 4 year old who was playing cars…. he gets the bus to his Nana’s and there’s currently a diversion so he was playing with these cars, pretending they were buses, and that there was a diversion… the teacher goes to my son ‘so what are you into? What do you want to be when you grow up?’ and my son turns round and goes ‘I’m gonna be a bus driver by day, darts player by night. I’m gonna have 2 kids and I’ll need to find someone to watch the kids whilst I’m out every night playing darts’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he plays darts at home with his Dad and his Dad plays in a darts team loooool. My fella said the teacher was like ….oh right……. 🤣
My 4 year old started reception today! He only went for an hour, it was a stay and play session where one parent gets to go. Of course he chose his Dad 🤣 so off they went to school… apparently my fella was the only dad there 🤣

He said that the teacher came up to my 4 year old who was playing cars…. he gets the bus to his Nana’s and there’s currently a diversion so he was playing with these cars, pretending they were buses, and that there was a diversion… the teacher goes to my son ‘so what are you into? What do you want to be when you grow up?’ and my son turns round and goes ‘I’m gonna be a bus driver by day, darts player by night. I’m gonna have 2 kids and I’ll need to find someone to watch the kids whilst I’m out every night playing darts’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he plays darts at home with his Dad and his Dad plays in a darts team loooool. My fella said the teacher was like ….oh right……. 🤣

I think it's really sweet he went with his dad! Kids absorb so much and come out with the funniest things. It made me laugh out loud what he said.
My 4 year old started reception today! He only went for an hour, it was a stay and play session where one parent gets to go. Of course he chose his Dad 🤣 so off they went to school… apparently my fella was the only dad there 🤣

He said that the teacher came up to my 4 year old who was playing cars…. he gets the bus to his Nana’s and there’s currently a diversion so he was playing with these cars, pretending they were buses, and that there was a diversion… the teacher goes to my son ‘so what are you into? What do you want to be when you grow up?’ and my son turns round and goes ‘I’m gonna be a bus driver by day, darts player by night. I’m gonna have 2 kids and I’ll need to find someone to watch the kids whilst I’m out every night playing darts’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he plays darts at home with his Dad and his Dad plays in a darts team loooool. My fella said the teacher was like ….oh right……. 🤣

ahh bless him! 🤣 My husband took our 4yo to their stay and play sessions in June as I was in hospital with the twins! He said he was the only dad there too!

Ours starts school on Thu but we had a home visit from their teacher this morning. She spotted a toy and asked them a question about it (Peppa Pig motorhome) 4yo brought it over and was talking about all of the different features… showed her the toilet and kept saying “pee pee” repeatedly and manically laughing 🥲 “this is where daddy pig goes to… PEE PEE. Hahahahah PEE PEE! The toilet is for pee pee!!”

I’ve never heard them say pee pee before in my life… I was literally just like WHY NOW CHILD?!? 🤣
My 4 year old started reception today! He only went for an hour, it was a stay and play session where one parent gets to go. Of course he chose his Dad 🤣 so off they went to school… apparently my fella was the only dad there 🤣

He said that the teacher came up to my 4 year old who was playing cars…. he gets the bus to his Nana’s and there’s currently a diversion so he was playing with these cars, pretending they were buses, and that there was a diversion… the teacher goes to my son ‘so what are you into? What do you want to be when you grow up?’ and my son turns round and goes ‘I’m gonna be a bus driver by day, darts player by night. I’m gonna have 2 kids and I’ll need to find someone to watch the kids whilst I’m out every night playing darts’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he plays darts at home with his Dad and his Dad plays in a darts team loooool. My fella said the teacher was like ….oh right……. 🤣
Ours starts nursery this week, we both did the stay and play a few weeks after baby was born as OH was on paternity. Oldest draws a picture - Mummy and Daddy in bed - had to explain we had a new baby and c-sec 🙈😂
We've got the teacher visit to come. Dread to think what they're going to come out with.

Usually perma-sleepy Baby hasn't napped since 10.30. Think we're in cluster feeding territory again. Pray for me!
At this rate I think we are going to flip a coin! Both are names I’ve said all along and my husband always said a big fat no to Conor, now he’s all for Conor but I’m more on Sam.