Pregnancy Off Topic #5 “Are men ok??”

No help at all!! 😂😂 some people say he looks like a Sam, some people say he looks like a Conor. I don’t think he looks like either 😅
I think Sam suites a more chilled personality whereas Conor is a more assertive type.

I’ve never understood when people say babies look like a this and a that. They just look like babies 🤣

When ours came out my OH said “he looks like a Freddie” and he totally did. It wasn’t even on our list. Didn’t ultimately go with it but everyone was like “yep, that’s a Freddie is ever I saw one” 😄
My life currently feels like someone’s controlling me on Sims 🤣 clicking feed baby, put baby in moses and then have nap. With a load of faffing around the house in between. I love it. It’s such a feeling of life being complete ☺️

Only current fear is having OH to give me relief is so helpful. He starts a new job on Monday fully office based so this week has been his paternity. It’s just an intense thought that it’ll be completely me. I know for a fact he’ll take over the second he gets home everyday (his ADHD finally coming in handy) but it’s still scary. One week pat being the standard in the UK is insane, but I know we do have it good mat wise compared to the majority of the world.

It took us an hour and a half to get through one episode of the new Olivia Attwood show this evening 😂 between all the pausing for feed, crying, settling, re-settling. Life is truly different, but so so enjoyable
My life currently feels like someone’s controlling me on Sims 🤣 clicking feed baby, put baby in moses and then have nap. With a load of faffing around the house in between. I love it. It’s such a feeling of life being complete ☺

Only current fear is having OH to give me relief is so helpful. He starts a new job on Monday fully office based so this week has been his paternity. It’s just an intense thought that it’ll be completely me. I know for a fact he’ll take over the second he gets home everyday (his ADHD finally coming in handy) but it’s still scary. One week pat being the standard in the UK is insane, but I know we do have it good mat wise compared to the majority of the world.

It took us an hour and a half to get through one episode of the new Olivia Attwood show this evening 😂 between all the pausing for feed, crying, settling, re-settling. Life is truly different, but so so enjoyable

My partner only had a weeks paternity too. My head fell off the first day but I was alone with 2 ! I very quickly got the hang of it though and you will too! You’ll smash it you’re a great Mum already x
I was lucky my partner had 4 weeks off - so we had 3 weeks at home together. The first couple of days are weird and scary to think about but you just get on with it and do it don’t you.

I used to feel bad that sometimes we wouldn’t get out of bed until midday as we’d be catching up on sleep and then I realise looking after baby is my only job!
My OH had two weeks paternity and took two weeks annual leave with our first. He took the two weeks paternity with our second but it started before baby arrived because I was back and forth to the hospital so much. He got told he couldn't take annual leave after that (never seems to be able to take leave when he wants to now) so it was basically me with a newborn and a toddler after a week. I had severe mobility issues, swear that didn't help. Fortunately toddler is in preschool but still, was a lot with no help and it still is.
My husband is self employed so he’s continued to work, although all from home so he’s been dipping in and out. I actually find I’m in a better routine when he’s not here 😂 also adhd so he only ever gets half a job done then is on to something else and makes more mess instead of tidying up!
We are getting in a good little routine now. He does the late night feed so I can get to bed at 9/10pm and I do the morning feeds. Tuesday/Thursday are nursery days for our toddler so it’s good to have a rest day then.
My 4 year old started reception today! He only went for an hour, it was a stay and play session where one parent gets to go. Of course he chose his Dad 🤣 so off they went to school… apparently my fella was the only dad there 🤣

He said that the teacher came up to my 4 year old who was playing cars…. he gets the bus to his Nana’s and there’s currently a diversion so he was playing with these cars, pretending they were buses, and that there was a diversion… the teacher goes to my son ‘so what are you into? What do you want to be when you grow up?’ and my son turns round and goes ‘I’m gonna be a bus driver by day, darts player by night. I’m gonna have 2 kids and I’ll need to find someone to watch the kids whilst I’m out every night playing darts’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he plays darts at home with his Dad and his Dad plays in a darts team loooool. My fella said the teacher was like ….oh right……. 🤣
That’s absolutely hilarious 🤣🤣
sorry to bring the mood down guys, but I’m just wondering if anyone on here has ever suffered with PND? I’ve been feeling really down for a few weeks now, and kinda just disregarding it as being tired but I’m really struggling the last few days. It doesn’t help the baby has been super fussy/clingy so that’s probably making my feelings worse. I just feel really down, I cry every single day without fail. I’m exhausted. I’m not getting any enjoyment out of things I used to like baking, walking the dog etc. then I feel guilty for feeling this way like I’m a bad mum. I longed for a baby so much, I went through such a traumatic experience to have him and now I’ve got him I feel horrendous i don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel ungrateful and guilty. I love my baby so so much, of course I enjoy being with him but it’s so much harder than I ever expected and I just don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to hide how I feel and not tell anyone but I can’t go on like this. I’m reluctant to go on any medication, I’ve been on it before having the baby and I’m not keen on going on again. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? Is there anyone I can talk to? I tried to get a GP app this morning but the earliest they can see me is the end of the month 😢
sorry to bring the mood down guys, but I’m just wondering if anyone on here has ever suffered with PND? I’ve been feeling really down for a few weeks now, and kinda just disregarding it as being tired but I’m really struggling the last few days. It doesn’t help the baby has been super fussy/clingy so that’s probably making my feelings worse. I just feel really down, I cry every single day without fail. I’m exhausted. I’m not getting any enjoyment out of things I used to like baking, walking the dog etc. then I feel guilty for feeling this way like I’m a bad mum. I longed for a baby so much, I went through such a traumatic experience to have him and now I’ve got him I feel horrendous i don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel ungrateful and guilty. I love my baby so so much, of course I enjoy being with him but it’s so much harder than I ever expected and I just don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to hide how I feel and not tell anyone but I can’t go on like this. I’m reluctant to go on any medication, I’ve been on it before having the baby and I’m not keen on going on again. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? Is there anyone I can talk to? I tried to get a GP app this morning but the earliest they can see me is the end of the month 😢

I'm so sorry you're feeling this way but please don't ever feel guilty, ungrateful or like a bad mum, you're an incredible mum to baby woods. He's thriving because of you and the care and love you give him. You went through a hugely traumatic time so it's totally understandable to be in the headspace that you are.

That's terrible your GP doesn't have a sooner appointment. I'd call back and say it's urgent, poor mental health is so important to be helped soon as possible.
I would recommend reaching out to an organisation called APNI (Association for postnatal illness) and seeing what advice and support they can offer

I really truly hope things improve for you soon x
sorry to bring the mood down guys, but I’m just wondering if anyone on here has ever suffered with PND? I’ve been feeling really down for a few weeks now, and kinda just disregarding it as being tired but I’m really struggling the last few days. It doesn’t help the baby has been super fussy/clingy so that’s probably making my feelings worse. I just feel really down, I cry every single day without fail. I’m exhausted. I’m not getting any enjoyment out of things I used to like baking, walking the dog etc. then I feel guilty for feeling this way like I’m a bad mum. I longed for a baby so much, I went through such a traumatic experience to have him and now I’ve got him I feel horrendous i don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel ungrateful and guilty. I love my baby so so much, of course I enjoy being with him but it’s so much harder than I ever expected and I just don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to hide how I feel and not tell anyone but I can’t go on like this. I’m reluctant to go on any medication, I’ve been on it before having the baby and I’m not keen on going on again. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? Is there anyone I can talk to? I tried to get a GP app this morning but the earliest they can see me is the end of the month 😢
I don’t have any advice but I’m sending you the biggest hug. The days when baby is clingy, fussy, going through a leap, constantly hungry etc are awful. You feel like you’ll never see the end of them but I promise you will have lots of easier days too. You have been through such a traumatic time and it’s completely understandable that will still be affecting you. If you can’t get a GP appt can you ask the HV for advice on who to contact? Are you still in touch with anyone from the hospital who may be able to refer you to somebody?
I don’t have any advice but I’m sending you the biggest hug. The days when baby is clingy, fussy, going through a leap, constantly hungry etc are awful. You feel like you’ll never see the end of them but I promise you will have lots of easier days too. You have been through such a traumatic time and it’s completely understandable that will still be affecting you. If you can’t get a GP appt can you ask the HV for advice on who to contact? Are you still in touch with anyone from the hospital who may be able to refer you to somebody?
@Elle Woods sending you love - I would definitely seeing if your midwife service, hospital and/or health visitor can help. They have a lot more awareness now to try and get mums support asap and I’ve heard much more effective than the GP anyway. They’d be able to fast track you compared to an average person who hasn’t just been through everything you’ve been through 🩷🩷