VIP Member
sorry to bring the mood down guys, but I’m just wondering if anyone on here has ever suffered with PND? I’ve been feeling really down for a few weeks now, and kinda just disregarding it as being tired but I’m really struggling the last few days. It doesn’t help the baby has been super fussy/clingy so that’s probably making my feelings worse. I just feel really down, I cry every single day without fail. I’m exhausted. I’m not getting any enjoyment out of things I used to like baking, walking the dog etc. then I feel guilty for feeling this way like I’m a bad mum. I longed for a baby so much, I went through such a traumatic experience to have him and now I’ve got him I feel horrendous i don’t know what’s wrong with me, I feel ungrateful and guilty. I love my baby so so much, of course I enjoy being with him but it’s so much harder than I ever expected and I just don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to hide how I feel and not tell anyone but I can’t go on like this. I’m reluctant to go on any medication, I’ve been on it before having the baby and I’m not keen on going on again. Does anyone have any advice on what to do? Is there anyone I can talk to? I tried to get a GP app this morning but the earliest they can see me is the end of the month
Totally understandable. My midwife has spoke to me about an MNPI service we get in Scotland for traumatic births etc. Not sure if there is an equivalent in England, I imagine there would be. Can you speak to your health visitor or GP to refer you to someone?