Niomi Smart #88 Bye bye cock retreats and naughty Halloween orgies … hello museums and Dior parties

He might be talking about this set of photos. The photographer is the same woman he recently purchased the 'nude diving' print from. So he has been interested in her for a while....he basically paid her to hang out with him and take photos a few tears back and initiated contact again by buying a print/tagging her on Instagram right after Nims dumped him.

That third one looks like he's taking a really satisfying piss
Coming from an Irish background it absolutely goes against everything I know from my huge extended family and friends to constantly promote oneself. Being humble and not being obsessed with publicly declaiming qualities/ achievements is engrained. Being 'decent' is a high accolade.

He seems to have felt the need to constantly challenge anything and anyone who dared to tell him the truth. He's turned it into a character trait THAT HE ADMIRES!! By placing himself in the 'everyone else is stupid' camp he's faking a superiority. Laugh is NO ONE IS LISTENING or cares. Jumping on other people's supposedly successful coat tails isn't working. What a clown🤡
Jamie calling himself sexy made me

... Who asked for any of this Jamie?! You couldn't drag some of these revelations out of me for any price yet he is just word vomiting them out of his far too tooth-filled mouth like he's god's gift.

Like many have said, if this is what he's like on a podcast, self satisfied, thinks every burp is a sign of how great and in tune with himself he is, what on EARTH was he like day to day. Niomi must be dumber than we think to even consider going out with someone like this let alone getting engaged to him twice!

Makes you wonder what on earth made her change her mind in the end?!
... Who asked for any of this Jamie?! You couldn't drag some of these revelations out of me for any price yet he is just word vomiting them out of his far too tooth-filled mouth like he's god's gift.

Like many have said, if this is what he's like on a podcast, self satisfied, thinks every burp is a sign of how great and in tune with himself he is, what on EARTH was he like day to day. Niomi must be dumber than we think to even consider going out with someone like this let alone getting engaged to him twice!

Makes you wonder what on earth made her change her mind in the end?!
I know like, what was the last straw? If she willingly got engaged to him twice despite the orgies, cock worship retreats, drugs, knickers for liquor, these podcasts, what the hell was the turning point? 😂
my body was experiencing what I would could only describe as full body orgasms. I was like this is amazing. And when I came out of it I was like I have the capacity to remember my dreams, go back through my memories like a vault tune into a part of myself that is like filter, free and uninfluenced by external perspective. It's like my truest voice.

Spoken like a true sex-addict...
More oversharing on UOL, these really came out of nowhere. I guess he’s trying to get his guests to open up more by sharing his experiences..

“I remember back when I was around, when I was around 14 or 15, with somebody. I um was with a girl and I prematurely ejaculated, yeah, and I was so embarrassed, so ashamed yeah and um. In another kind of occasion a little while later, the same happened again :sick: :sick:

Urgh, he’s just trying to humble brag that he was having sex at 14. He’s such a disingenuous sleaze.