So glad to read other comments RE: breastfeeding struggles. I’ve been really struggling with it since the hospital. First it was her latch, then I found if I used a pump to pull my nipple out she could latch on so thought great. But then she started this cluster feeding and it’s been killing me both mentally and physically. She is having 5-9 minute feeds then pulling away, sleeping and then wanting more again 10-20 mins later and this carries on for hours. I have been dreading nighttime’s because of this, she won’t settle till she’s full but won’t drink in one go.
I had to sleep the other evening so my oh gave her some formula in a bottle and it gave us a few solid hours of rest. I’ve been expressing since about day 5 because my breasts were so full and hard and we’ve been bottle feeding her this on a nighttime.
Last night was a much better night than previous she woke twice and had a bottle of expressed each time and I did 1 pump.
My oh is really up for breastfeeding because of the ‘benefits’ and I get it too, but if it was down to me I would have switched to bottles by now.
in saying that I have contacted the breastfeeding support lady for our area so I’ll see what she says, but I can’t continue with this cluster feeding. It’s making me miss all the love and cuteness about her and I only think oh god she needs another feed soon here comes the fight.