I usually find that even just a few minute of Jimbo pushes me into a perilous state of mind so I really appreciate Jimbo updates from you and others, it’s good to get a sense of the inanity without having to actually hear his voice. What’s his general take on Ukraine? (Tedious I’m sure… only answer if you can be arsed).He'll never run out of steam about brexit, he knows it's all his demented fanbase want to hear, day after day.
I like to listen to the opening monologue, then it's switch over to something else a bit more positive or easy going, 3hrs of jimbo every day would put a person in a perilous state of mind.
He's a very lazy broadcaster, I have posted a few times previously about him trying an hour on the Ukraine situation, he is absolutely clueless.
I really am quite enjoying Tom in the morning. He’s got a very nice way about him.