I know multiple blaggers of this sort. Working class values historically included being proud of not taking handouts. I've got multiple issues I need to see a doctor about but as a working person I can't even get a appointment for the services my NI and tax pay for as it involves phoning for up to an hour or physically waiting outside the surgery.
The non means tested 300 COL payments to everyone on most benefits was pretty fuckin galling too. I know ppl who went to Glasto with that. Are working ppl not experiencing a COL crisis? I know that the answer is to fight for better wages but given that there's no obligation for workplaces to be unionised (mine isn't) you tell me how that works. Hopes and prayers? Although I have left wing values I rarely call myself a leftie these days cos the left has abandoned working ppl. The left thinks it's OK that 2 ppl working full time can only just manage while millions of other homes don't have 1 working person. The left thinks we shouldn't talk about it cos it's divide & conquer. I'm happy to be divided from thieving lazy bums