VIP Member
I know this sounds silly but I also hate the fact she calls her gf Mrs j. I'm married and I'd hate for my husband to call me Mrs A. I have a shared surname with him to make it easier when filling in forms with the kids and stuff but I do in fact have my own first name. I don't know why she doesnt she call her by her name, also who's to say if they were to marry that she d take jacks name. Shes entitled to keep her own.
I feel exactly the same, it’s not silly. I got a letter from a relative this week and was incandescent with rage that they’d addressed it to Mrs *initial* *married name* (eg Mrs J Smith) not *first name* (eg Jane), the first name everyone actually refers to me by?
People have weird and uncomfortable politics around marriage & women as a result of all the weird socialisation and internalised misogyny we’ve ingested. I’ve only been married less than a year but have found it very unpleasant to navigate with some women of a certain generation.