These are the type of people who throw bricks through paediatricians’ windows with their inbred mates from the Facebook vigilante group. There’s no use trying to engage her in reasonable discussion.
No love. This is the sort of person who has spent my entire professional life trying to save the kids who've escaped from child sex abuse and being used to provide wankbank material for perverted old ponces like Huw. I saw that
witch's statement the day it ws released too. "Oh so dignified. So concerned for her children"
Her children were at that time grown arsed adults for a start. Unlike the 17 year old addict her husband was using with as much regard as he might have had for a wank sock. It was "Me, Huw, Our children, me, me Huw - and the poor darlings Huw worked with whom he allowed to be accused of the crimes he knew he was guilty of."
What I never heard from her and stilll have not is a single word of concern for the victims. A single expression of empathy for the parents of those victims. A single snippet of condemnation for the filthy old diddler who has wrought such harm on so many lives.
You can sit there complacent in your belief that you aren't crude and coarse like me. That you are on guard. You have the sisterhood's back. You will never allow anyone to call another woman a
bleep - and that makes you better than me.
I'll go back to trying to get the images & echoes I have of all the victims' agonies out of my nightmares.
I am sure you're much more successful in your quest than I will ever be in mine because once you've seen and heard what I have of the detritus left behind from this vile industry you know there are pieces of your soul which will never rest again.
I've just found a poem one of my old clients wrote. I wnt looking for it especially for you all. In the faint hope it might give you some
bleeping idea.
I wish that broken people got the love broken dogs get.
The ones that get rescued… they live their essential lives.
They get a blank cheque to live. Nothing else.
No life coach needed. Life coach - absurd concept to an Afghan Hound.
Because why?
We live in a big mess that is the opposite of true and the opposite of yes.
Take me to a lovely house where everything is free and
Where everyone is very very careful with me
because I’ve been abused and I’m a bit snappy.
Don’t thicken the Coastal Shelf! Soothe me. Soothe us.
Let me spend 10 months under the farmhouse kitchen table, if I like…
Let me only be fussed by the little girl with gentle hands.
Let me only be friends with the donkey in the field.
Let me only take my meals in private until I know that I’m really really safe.
Allow me to run in the woods and ”leap from a boulder like I’m on a lion”
I think I’d get better then.
Yes I think I’d be alright.
How the duck do you expect a beaten broken hound
to be anything other than a crazy, vicious beast if you keep it in a cage?
We’re not supposed to live like this.
And I will not comply
And I will do something nuts. I cannot lie.
I met that girl when she was 16 years old. She had been trafficked from the age of 11. When she was found, collapsed in the street from a heroin overdose she was covered in open wounds. long slash wounds , cigarette burns, deep gouges on her arms, body, legs and face. Some old wounds. Superating with pus, scabbed over & picked at. Some very fresh, still oozing red blood.
She hadn't been attacked. She had done all of them to herself. Over weeks and months she had taken to hacking at her own body with any implement she could find. Knives, razors, broken glass, the lids off tins of beans.
She told me that she thought if she were ugly, maybe they'd stop taking those pictures of her. Maybe they'd stop raping her.
They did not.
By the time she was about to turn 18 & be ejected from the "Care" system, she was dead. Also at her own hand.
All I could say as I leaned over her emaciated, once beautiful but now ruined little frame was "They can't hurt you anymore darling".
Tell Mrs Huw to think about that girl in relation to her so recently ex-husband. Tell yourselves and all, as you're busy being suffused with sympathy for Mrs Huw & appalled by me.