Sorry you feel like this. Feeling isolated when your children are very young is the absolute pits
I never managed to fit in with any of the mum cliques at school and I absolutely hated myself for being such an awkward outsider.
I’ll always remember the mortification I felt when I was out shopping and spotted one of the mums from my youngest’s nursery school.
I stopped to say hello and have a brief chat, which I thought was the polite thing to do, and she just mumbled a hello and breezed right past me
Yet I’d often be standing right behind her and whoever she’d be chatting to, as we lined up to collect our kids after school!
I used to think I must put people off by just babbling nonsense/trying too hard to be nice
But I’m shy and not a single one of those cliquey groups ever tried to involve me.
I hope when you go back to work you get to have a bit more engagement with people.