For anybody struggling ❤

Thank you. Yes, and I think that is the case for a lot of influencers, but what stings with R is that she should know better. She literally runs a food bank, which is closed to clients whilst she’s living it up posting constant photos of food 🙄
I know exactly what you mean. The food bank she calls it isn't fit for purpose. I'm also sure we can find a way to help you ❤️ I'll do some digging xx
I am tired of worrying and being lost. We have a problem that I don't want to elaborate on. I am clueless and my husband doesnt know better. Although he promises that he will take care of it i just can't rest. I feel that I wanna do something, prevent problems from happening but nothing is in my hands. I'm tired of suffering and worrying about every thing and I just wanna rest.
I am tired of worrying and being lost. We have a problem that I don't want to elaborate on. I am clueless and my husband doesnt know better. Although he promises that he will take care of it i just can't rest. I feel that I wanna do something, prevent problems from happening but nothing is in my hands. I'm tired of suffering and worrying about every thing and I just wanna rest.
Look at this site for some practical advice about worry.
We spend a lot of time worrying about things out with our control. We become low because we are anxious and anxious because we are low - it’s a vicious cycle. We can set small goals to help the worries we can do something about- this disrupts the cycle - slowly helping to regain control. It’s not easy to feel you are swimming against the tide and getting no where! Be compassionate to yourself. ♥️
Some stuff happened at the end of last year that was kind of the final straw for me in my job. I try REALLY hard in that place but I don’t have a flipping clue what I’m doing, I feel so out of my depth. I’m the boss, and I report to a board. The previous Chair became really awful to me over the first 18 months I was in the job and I’ve never really gotten over it. Micromanaging, ripped apart everything I did, tore me apart in board meetings, in meetings with people in my team. I was on the verge of asking a member of the team to leave a meeting where I was being ripped apart because I was so humiliated, but I decided it was better that someone, anyone, saw how bad it was for me. It obliterated any confidence I had, which wasn’t a lot. Lots of the board saw how it was, nobody said or did anything.

I’ve had to deal with a lot of toxic people in the team. Good people at heart, in the main, but people who needed to leave and be somewhere else, who were negative about anything and everything and it wouldn’t have mattered what I did, it would never be good enough. And every time someone’s moved on I’ve thought ‘ok, we’ve got it this time, we’ve got the positive team, we can do this’ only for me to then find out there is someone else behaving toxically. At the end of last year I learned that there is still a negative force lurking about. I have people having public meltdowns if they perceive they don’t know about something that’s going on, when they could come and talk to me about it and get some clarity, then when I make a really conscious effort to engage with them, they tell me they’re ‘too busy’ and don’t get back to me. I can’t win.

They’re all so passive aggressive. Nobody ever raises anything properly or even tries to talk to me about stuff. And when I do find out what people are saying and thinking and I try to address it, they just shut me down and don’t want to listen. Or they try to tell me things ‘off the record’ but I shouldn’t say or do anything because that will out them. They over involve themselves in each other’s lives then when the tit hits the fan they suddenly come running to me and I’m expected to wave a magic wand and make it all ok with no knowledge of what’s going on. I just can’t do that, I’m not a miracle worker. I try really hard to be collaborative, to not micro-manage, to respect the skills and the experience the team has. Do I always get it right? No way. Am I the first to admit I’m only human and mess up? Absolutely. Does it make a difference? Not at all. The team don’t respect me and I’m out of ideas on how to gain/earn that respect. I’m doing the job of multiple people, im doing the best I can and it’s not good enough. I’m not even paid well to make up for it.

I’m back at work and my heart isn’t in it. I need to move on from the job, 100%, but it’s not exactly that simple as it never is. There aren’t an abundance of jobs around here, we’re tied into a fixed rate mortgage (pre Liz Truss/Kwasi Kwarteng financial crisis though, one small mercy) so moving away somewhere else isn’t really doable.

2023 was a crappy year for me, work was a total bin fire and my physical and mental health took a serious kicking as a result. Instead of channelling that into feeling hopeful for 2024 I just feel defeated and worn out. And it’s the 4th of January. It doesn’t bode well.
Literally 🥺😭
2023 was a crappy year for me, work was a total bin fire and my physical and mental health took a serious kicking as a result. Instead of channelling that into feeling hopeful for 2024 I just feel defeated and worn out. And it’s the 4th of January. It doesn’t bode well.

Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like a very tough situation.

Sounds like you are at a real crossroads - do you stay at the company and try to enact the changes you think are needed? (i.e removing the Or do you walk away and break free?

Just know that you don’t have to stay in a role that is making you miserable. There is life on the other side. I’ve left jobs that have made me unhappy, and whilst it can bruise the pride - in the long run they were the best decisions I ever made. Life is too short to be unhappy.
So so so fed up recently. I've nothing to be "fed up" about on paper, I've got a good job, good life as such , not really many worries but I just feel like it's same tit, different day. I took my daughter out for her 4th bday today (it was the other day) and she was just in a right mood and I was looking forward to it.

I've put my phone on do not disturb and I'm going into hibernation for the evenings catching up on tv. I'm struggling mentally but I've done therapy, I really don't want to go onto antidepressants but I just can't shake off the "sick of everything" feeling!!!!! 😩 my friend has gone onto antidepressants and she said she feels brand new.
I’m at my wits end right now. I have a 16 year old son that literally does nothing but make my life a misery. He lies, steals, does what he wants when he wants. Fucks about in school and I’ve had enough. I fantasise about leaving him at his sperm donors house and me bleeping off.

I can't relate as such as I've got a 4 year old but can you sit down and talk to him? Tell him if he wants to mess around he won't be doing it any longer and can you talk to his dad?
I can't relate as such as I've got a 4 year old but can you sit down and talk to him? Tell him if he wants to mess around he won't be doing it any longer and can you talk to his dad?
I’ve got no idea where his biological dad is we haven’t seen him in years. He needed an assessment from social services to resume contact but he fell off the face of the earth. I have tried everything possible with my son and nothing gets through to him.
I’ve got no idea where his biological dad is we haven’t seen him in years. He needed an assessment from social services to resume contact but he fell off the face of the earth. I have tried everything possible with my son and nothing gets through to him.

oh dear, i'm sorry you can't have a break from him!! I'm dreading it when my daughter becomes a teen, she's got a bloody attitude now🙈!!! I tell myself I'll be understanding towards her with all the hormones flying around but there's only so much you can bloody take! I've just had a big cry and I feel a lot better. Still fed up but !!!!!
oh dear, i'm sorry you can't have a break from him!! I'm dreading it when my daughter becomes a teen, she's got a bloody attitude now🙈!!! I tell myself I'll be understanding towards her with all the hormones flying around but there's only so much you can bloody take! I've just had a big cry and I feel a lot better. Still fed up but !!!!!
I honestly thought the toddler years were the worst but I was so wrong! Teenagers are relentless! There’s literally an issue every single day with mine. I’ve spoken to school, been to meetings, offered rewards and punishments. Honestly don’t know what more I can do for him x
I honestly thought the toddler years were the worst but I was so wrong! Teenagers are relentless! There’s literally an issue every single day with mine. I’ve spoken to school, been to meetings, offered rewards and punishments. Honestly don’t know what more I can do for him x

Is he OK? Any friendship issues or trouble at school? As a Parent to a teen I can tell you a lot of this front they put on is a cover for something deeper going on... maybe treat him someplace to eat, talk to him and listen. Don’t interrogate just explain your concern and let him know you are there to listen. It’s so hard I know. x
My dad died yesterday, I'm 37wks pregnant, I don't know how to feel or what to do. Not sure why I'm posting this here.

i’m a nurse and recently looked after a woman who sadly passed away whilst her daughter was full term pregnant. she ended up giving birth a few days later to a healthy baby girl. it was such a sad situation for all and i wish there was something i could say to give you peace or make it better but i know there’s not, it’s really tit. take each moment as it comes and soon you’ll have a little bundle to help you through the bad days x
I’m at my wits end right now. I have a 16 year old son that literally does nothing but make my life a misery. He lies, steals, does what he wants when he wants. Fucks about in school and I’ve had enough. I fantasise about leaving him at his sperm donors house and me bleeping off.
I was a prick when I was a teenager. I was pretty hideous to my Mum, who is/was/always has been a single parent in a similar absent father/sperm donor situation. It did eventually dawn on me the enormity of everything my Mum had done for me and how all she’d ever done was tried her best despite being on her own with me, with additional caring responsibilities for her own Mum and a really stressful job. I dunno how she did it.

I don’t really know what I’m trying to say except you have my ultimate respect and at some point I hope your teen comes to the same realisations about you as I did about my own Ma.
I was a prick when I was a teenager. I was pretty hideous to my Mum, who is/was/always has been a single parent in a similar absent father/sperm donor situation. It did eventually dawn on me the enormity of everything my Mum had done for me and how all she’d ever done was tried her best despite being on her own with me, with additional caring responsibilities for her own Mum and a really stressful job. I dunno how she did it.

I don’t really know what I’m trying to say except you have my ultimate respect and at some point I hope your teen comes to the same realisations about you as I did about my own Ma.
Thank you 💖 today has been a slightly better day probably because everyone is unwell but silver linings and all that x