Hi all, not sure if this is the right place so will put a TW - I have bipolar cptsd eupd I’m in a really bad place right now. Will give a bit of background, the past few years I have been in and out of psychiatrist wards, in hospital for OD’s currently have a mental health team (who are off till the new year) and in intense therapy for severe trauma that happened when I was young. I have a good family but I know they are getting sick of my constant crisis. just want to scream and tell them try living with it every single day! I’m on lots of sedative medication which does tit all apart from numb me and make me tired, oh and gain a tit load of weight so I hate myself even more! And I’m just tired right now of life and existing. I dread waking up right now i can’t find the motivation to do anything even the thought of killing myself feels to much effort I just want to lay in bed and just sleep but I can’t as I have priorities. I just am so unhappy I hate suffering from flashbacks and I despise the fact I have to recover from something I never asked to happen to me. I feel so alone I feel like an outsider of my family, a weirdo and i just don’t want to carry on anymore. Really sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread and really sorry this is depressing.