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First of all I'm so sorry that's happened it's not nice to feel used then make zero effort with you after you've done him a favour if he can do no wrong in your parents eyes or is a mummies boy that's not gonna change sadly I used to be walked all over by my family and was moaning to someone and they said although what you feel is valid you need to do something about this I did whats called a boundaries course and started to learn how to say no and be confident in saying no and to be strong and assertive it takes times dosent happen overnight now I'm a tiny bit more respected and still do stuff for them but it's on my terms and now we do get on a tiny bit better maybe stepping away from your family (maybe after Christmas) and have some space to have a think unfortunately nothings going to change they'll just think they can treat you like this with zero consequences hope this hasn't come of harsh not my intention and I promise what you feel is valid families can be awful I'm not to sure what to suggest about your brother and sister meeting up your gut feeling could be right or they might just not think and nobody can control other people's actions sadlyAnyone else feel frustrated with there family, had my brothers dog this weekend and enjoy having him but now feel he just uses me, he went away this weekend and met up with my sister (I was not invited), this wasn’t the first time they have asked my brother to go away with them before, again I never get asked, feel like the odd one out cus I’m a single mom ☹ he’s now got my parents to fetch his dog (as clearly hes not arsed about seeing me or his niece) I feel so tearful, down and used, I have tried talking to my parents about him but they make excuses for him, he makes zero to little effort with me and my daughter, we used to be much closer years ago, I am supposed to be at his for Christmas but now feel like pulling the plug as can’t stand any of them or the way they use/treat me I just feel so sad
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