Oh he wont prescribe more than HSE advises (he can be quite strict when he wants the prick
we have a love/hate relationship) ive found a new g.p who I swear is about 90 years old and will give you anything and im sure the €60 goes straight into his pocket, he doesn’t even ask you you’re address??? Swear this country is crazy
(they fill his prescriptions in his local pharmacy so he’s definitely legit in that sense)
MH is so complex everybody is different in how they react to certain meds. Ive only tried
tit sertraline and lexapro, lexapro is good when you find the right mg but i’ve never tried Prozac and its the oldest one on the market and still prescribed to this day. I think they get paid off say the likes of sertraline if they prescribed so much of one brand, its all about money I think. I believe prozac is very effective. Oh and I always used to get my g.p to put DNR (Do not substitute) on my subscriptions as I don’t trust generics. I haven’t been on antidepressants since 2020 and id like to keep it that way.
I hope Elle and jason are doing ok?