I have to admit I do like the Fury Family (maybe im being biased
I love their tradition values) I think the fight was
tit but the build up to it was made out to be a pro boxing world title fight but infact it was one novic boxer and one trailer trash inbred American you tuber who has been boxing secretly for years plus openly doing that MMA shite! The Paul’s are trash and only in it for the money unlike the Furys. I think this new “glamour boxing” needs to stop and I really wish people would boycott this
tit, boxing is boxing and MMA is MMA , the professional boxers current and retired need to speak up and boycott this shite! Mayweather stated this
tit and I have lost all respect for him! I thought he was TMT??? He has sold his soul and lost his legacy now in my opinion, McGregor (money mad and getting hungrier each day, he’s got to impress his sisters new fella
they are a lethal and multi millionaire combination
) and Chalmers all in this for the money aswell
I don’t think Tommy will go down the “glamour boxing” route after the rematch. He has potential, hes only 23 he’s still learning , he did well and seems like a nice lad so fair play to him
he had a lot of pressure on him so well done and yes there was legit reason for the 2 year build up regarding serious visa issues (MTK
) well that’s my 2 pence
sorry for the essay