I married my (now) ex husband back in 1999 knowing he had issues around alcohol. We had 3 sons in quick succession & his dependence was becoming more clear to see. Eg bathing or reading stories to our little tots with the always ever present beer can.
For years I tried to desperately normalise this behaviour or kid myself I was imagining it.
It was only when I discovered he'd drunk drove 2 of our sons & belittled one of them for telling me that I had the utterly amazing light bulb
moment that it was game over, he's outta of here, divorce is a coming.
The painful reality of this year, finally after he played dice on his ever declining health, that he passed away. I have 3 young men (18, 19 & 21) to support through their mixture of shock, regret, anger & utter sadness.
I'm so angry that in his final years he couldn't step up & be the dad they so longed for. He remained as ever wrapped up in his own selfish world of needs, lack of foresight & what was important to him & not his 3 amazing sons.