How many times is she going to repeat this? When she's the one who hasn't given him a break?
How many times will they be in holiday club?
She's such a negative hole. Never states the positive. My son loves school, he misses his friends when he's not there. He loves learning, loves the routine, loves eating lunch with his little pals and doing jobs for his teacher. She's so depressing!! She's meant to motivate the kids, not drag them down with her crappy moodsHow many times is she going to repeat this? When she's the one who hasn't given him a break?
How many times will they be in holiday club?
Emma doesn’t drink alcohol but she does like Lego and that’s part of the problemI would be SO confused if a parent bought me Lego as a gift. Wine. Give me wine. I’m not 5 so I don’t require Lego.
See the fun sponge refused to go home and played with her Lego instead
Place your bets on when the kids are chucked into day care so she can fill her cup........
I can’t work out if she was bragging or bashing. It isn’t that amazing really but it’s not awful. I’m surprised they haven’t been working on his letter formation in phonics mind you, and mentioned it before now.She’s so passive aggressive! ‘Just need to work on the way he forms his letters’
Have a day off being a bleep to your kids, Emma.
Exactly, it isn’t amazingly brilliant but it isn’t awful. It’s where it should be for reception. She probably just can’t cope with the fact it’s an area he doesn’t exceed in, and maybe an area of development on his report given his maths is strong. There’s nothing wrong with having a child working at expected levels, she just can’t cope with it.I personally think his letter formation is absolutely fine for the end of reception; his writing is neat and legible. It’ll come naturally as they progress through year 1. Give the poor boy a break, Emma!