Hi all I joined the 80/20 plan about 10 weeks ago what a complete waste of money, I could have worked out the calories myself as that’s all I’ve got so far for the £25 per month, everything has been a hard sell since trying to get you to pay more for things that were or should be included in the plan information. Why would I pay £55 for ebook recipes? Most expensive books I’ve ever heard of. The last sleep zoom they wanted £17 each for and I’ve not heard one member thank him for his advice during that, I can imagine it was all about melatonin! Which you can’t buy in the UK or get prescribed easily, surely if one person ended up ill or worse from taking something not available here or prescribable he could be in serious trouble.
The latest sex advice seminar had me cringing!
Considering there are many members it’s always the same people commenting posting etc!
I’ve contacted them a few times as I’m not losing well not much the calories are too high and I don’t always meet the steps, between work family etc it’s not always possible ok well it could be but I don’t really fancy going out for a walk at 5am or 10pm when I get time to myself. Their response they won’t lower the calories but want to support me to meet the 10k steps. Join the lives, step class and Dans drivel… duck sake 6/7 am I’m getting up to go to work, or getting my daughter ready for the school bus and 7.30-8 or the lunch time lives I’m at work.. hold the phone team I’m watching a live… I’d soon be out of a job and not be able to pay the monthly fee.
Wish I had seen the bad reviews before I joined, but I was taken in by him, not really sure why now as I just find him annoying.