So basically in his live today in the academy, he announced that he is taking on 5 account managers, to text you and make you get out of bed
and to motivate but they won’t be qualified but you can ask them questions but they will pass you on to the right member of the team via email. But other than that ramble, couldn’t really figure out what the point of an account manager was. He said December, then January and then ended the live saying he needs to make more money first before employing 5 more people but it’s 3rd in priority on his business plan. He said you can have as much contact with your account manager as you like, from daily WhatsApp messages or weekly etc. So 5 people, even if he had 500 members, they will be messaging 100 people a day telling them to get out of bed?
it was all a bit confusing. He’s clearly jumped on to talk about it but not thought it through.
he also said he has a friend in advertising and will be on sky channels for a mixture of 10 second, 20 second and 30 second adverts by the end of the year. And has big plans to have 80/20 on every motorway billboard
he then rambled about how bad of a business person he is and discussed a clothing range he blew 40grand on called u-turn (T-shirt’s and vests that you can wear and reverse them inside out
) did all the designing, pictures, promo and then had no money left to actually produce stock
the man is actually a looney!