I’m genuinely so sad he’s backed this family all the way for the sake of ratings. I just don’t understand how he thinks what they said was OK
His obsession with this family is the principle reason I left. I got bored with “Danny boy” being mentioned in the Academy every five minutes when at its peak there were 2k other people who would have also appreciated the focus. Then Carla jumped on board and we were treated to intimate details about their sex lives (I don’t think I can ever un-hear her telling Dan how she once gave herself an orgasm with her foot
). Then there was the Danny Boy walks where we were asked to rock up to Virginia Waters and support this family, once again making them the complete centre of his plan. He didn’t stop to realise other people in his academy (PAYING people in his Academy!) would have found 1,000 steps hard and would have appreciated his support too.
Finally the Carla video threatening Emma was the last straw. There was some small part of me that hoped this would be the turning point and Dan would distance himself and call it out for what it was. But no. Instead I’m sure it was some back room laughing at her having proved her allegiance and being asked to take a back seat for a while…..and now he’s back to posting pictures with them. He just doesn’t get it, does he
Emma - if you’re reading this I think you’re an incredibly articulate and level head woman who didn’t deserve the onslaught you received. I hope the police took your experience seriously as sadly I suspect that’s the only way this awful family might learn some modicum of decency with how to react to criticism.