Really I think this pandemic has highlighted how self absorbed and entitled a lot of people are.
‘But I neeeeeeeeeeeed a foreign holiday’ - No you don’t. Yes they’re nice but you don’t ‘need’ one.
’But I want to go to a festival/gig/club/cinema!’ - Tough. Don’t we teach our children that you can’t always get what you want?
’But I want a big party with all my friendssssss’ - See above
We in the U.K. don’t know we are born.
It's not just about people's needs though. To a point I agree a little with what you're saying, but take thinking about ourselves away for a minute.
With no holidays means the travel and tourism industry and each country losing millions of pounds.
The airports are still having to pay their rent at tens of thousands of pounds a month.
Airlines still have fuloughed staff that they have to pay towards, and that is costing the taxpayer billions.
Further down that chain come the catering staff, further down the catering industry losing money because there's no demand.
Think of the shit magazines you get onboard - whoever prints them will be hit. Think of the tiny aspects you'd never Think of and more delays are affecting them.
Hospitality will lose billions as well. Again, it's not just that people neeeed to go to festivals ect. Think of who's will be affected - the land owners losing money with not being able to rent it out, the companies that provide portaloos, the companies that make the tacky shit you buy there. The food stall holders - so again affecting the food chain suppliers.
Pubs are running at reduced capacity for yet another month (probably more) and that means reduced income, reduced menus (food and drink supply again). That will again cost billions.
Then there's cinemas, theatres, community clubs, self employed fitness classes, hall hires, weddings... all of them have companies down the chain that are also losing out - decorators, florists, DJ's ect
So no, it's not about what one person neeeeeeds - it's about what millions of people need to work and survive. All the people that neeeeeeed these things would be keeping millions of people employed and saving the taxpayer billions in unneccessary furlough right now if we unlocked on the 21st