VIP Member
You would need a DBS check as a minimum.Do we know what the 'process' is for teaching under 18's? Can anyone do it or does there need to be certain criteria met in order to teach legally and safely? Especially in a virtual setting?
Which I’m pretty sure Carrie wouldn’t have in the time it took her to announce the idea and book the slots. Let’s hope they’re not under 18.
Zoom would come with its own horrendous safety concerns for a 1-2-1.
My daughter had online music lessons during Covid and all of the teachers had a risk assessment, DBS plus written permission from parents.
Even stuff include like lessons must not be in a bedroom, the child must be fully clothed ie: not Pajamas etc it was a very detailed document.
Anyone who doesn’t have these safety measures in place I would be scrutinising v carefully however ‘famous’ they were.