For those of you that are very against HE, calling him a pedalo, n and accusing him of using his mental health as an excuse to evade the public, can I ask why exactly you think that.
Is it because he’s an older bloke that’s got an interest in younger people? I agree it’s gross but If he hasn’t done anything illegal then it’s hardly a problem, again, I wouldn’t like my 17 year old hooking up with someone his grandads age, but the reality is, if he wanted to there’d be nothing I’d be able to do stop him, so then I’m just left with educating as best as possible and hoping for the best
Is it because you feel sorry for his wife and family?
Is it because past scandals are influencing your opinions on what might have gone or been covered up?
I’m genuinely interested, none of these are reasons to make an actual human being be a victim of hurtful opinions, are they?
As I said, age, gross, but if nothing illegal has happened is it fair to throw stones? Because I can guarantee anyone that has ever or will ever walk this Earth has done something that is morally wrong, hell, when I was the age 15-18 I was nicking baby milk, nappy’s, baby clothes for my kid, because all I had to survive on was £18.10 child benefit a week. Context is totally different, but that was very illegal, are you all going to knock me down for it though. I’m genuinely interested to know.
an older, powerful man taking a sexual interest in a much younger, vulnerable young person is definitely a cause for concern.
I’m glad when I was a teen, some of the people around me were less morally ambivalent than some people on this thread have been, because if they had I’d have probably been victim to some very unsavoury characters in my youth.
how does your being a teenage mum bear relevance to this situation? If you were groomed and impregnated by a significantly older man, then yeah. I’d “knock” that man down. But you were the young person in that situation and not an abuser? Why would anyone “knock” you down?