“I’m a really REALLY good toddler mum, to date I’ve never lost my patience”
You know, if I didn’t have to make 3 meals every day (9/10 times for it to be thrown on the floor), clean up all the mess, do bath time every night for BOTH my children, bedtime, play, read, entertain (for more than 10 mins a day), console the many tears and tantrums, the school run for the older child, oh and try and hold down a job, I don’t think I’d ever lose my patience either
You know, if I didn’t have to make 3 meals every day (9/10 times for it to be thrown on the floor), clean up all the mess, do bath time every night for BOTH my children, bedtime, play, read, entertain (for more than 10 mins a day), console the many tears and tantrums, the school run for the older child, oh and try and hold down a job, I don’t think I’d ever lose my patience either