Here we go again....if you really don't like this stage of parenting and really want to go back to "work" , then go to work and don't resent your children
that you chose to have
it is perfectly possible to work and breastfeed!...millions of women have no choice....and honestly, breastfeeding your daughter on a street corner is not necessary!
.As I've mentioned numerous times on here, I went back to work full time as a HCP in a busy dialysis unit when my eldest was 16 weeks old , which involved commuting 50 miles/day ....I had no choice as maternity leave in the 90's was awful
I was still breastfeeding her , and had to leave her with childminder who tried numerous bottles/ teats before we found something that would work- daughter never could take a bottle from me! ....but I was lucky I was able to continue to breastfeed her for a year
Yes it was a struggle and took a lot of juggling/ organisation and , yes getting up at 6am to feed her , take her to childcare and then drive 25 miles for a full day of work...then do the same in reverse at end of the day and collapse on sofa to breastfeed her when we got in !
by end of the day, my boobs would often leak on my scrubs
....I didn't have any family nearby to help and my husband was a jnr Dr working 100hrs/week so yes I I'd have the majority of the burden of childcare....but it wasn't anything to do with the's just how it was ( my sister was a GP and husband a Consultant Cardiologist and they had 4 children but she also managed to work full time and they coped with their family situation's how many families have to deal with work / childcare balance and it's what you have to accept if you both want decent careers)
What does she expect with 2 young kids? ....she has no friends nearby because she's not made the effort to integrate into the local community
a brief trip,to the library once in a while doesn't count ....and like hell is she a good toddler mum, reading a book wile eyefucking yourself is not what real mums do!
They pawn their son off to anyone at the first opportunity!- we've never seen her go to a toddler group or have any local friends with toddlers at her house to play with Alf ....she could easily fit this into her "hectic' week
Once the kids go to school, she's really going to need/ rely on having some close friends to help with the after school situation because she'll soon find out how dire after school provision is for working parents!
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