That’s just what I thought if I spent 10 minutes a day playing and nothing else, there’d be no melt down from both of us about the wrong plate“I’m a really REALLY good toddler mum, to date I’ve never lost my patience”
You know, if I didn’t have to make 3 meals every day (9/10 times for it to be thrown on the floor), clean up all the mess, do bath time every night for BOTH my children, bedtime, play, read, entertain (for more than 10 mins a day), console the many tears and tantrums, the school run for the older child, oh and try and hold down a job, I don’t think I’d ever lose my patience either
Just calls him a big lump passive aggressivelyIf she’s never lost her patience with Alf (I call bullshit on that anyway) it’s because she’s not bothered. I’ve been frustrated with my toddler on occasion (who hasn’t!!) because I care about meeting his needs. As a lively, stubborn, loving life kind of toddler, he often fights me on that but I have boundaries in place for a reason and of course he will try to resist them, he’s learning how to be a person. Ash does duck all so I doubt there’s much resistance coming her way.
What does she mean ‘lost patience’ anyway? She’s never hit him? Wow Trash, what a benchmark.
So she’s fuming with Tommy for having a weekend away Which means NNB is in the house!
God I feel for Tommy. They won’t last another 6 months. The cracks are REALLY showing.
“But I have to say we’re smashing parenting 2 kids” hahahahahaha
Did she say they had to wake Alf up this morning at 20 past 7? WHY?
It’s Friday. No childcare.
Let him sleep.
Oh, you can’t can you? Because you are using childcare but you aren’t about to admit to that.
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