Yankee in the South #39 The Only Plaque is on Will's Teeth

Of course Willy has to copy his idol Adam The Woo, and now says he wants to do "international" in 2025....along with "bread service". :sick:
“Norregion” There is literally no excuse for someone who can read to pronounce Norwegian that way.

I'm convinced he won't ever do NCL just because he can't pronounce "Norwegian."
Which is fine by me; NCL is my favorite and I don't want the hippos ruining it!!
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I don't expect a video today. It's Cyber Monday. Will is scouring websites for cruise deals.

I thought it was very telling that Will had no clue what to cover for holidays in The Smokies. There's the parade... and the...parade...and...uh... Dollywood....we'll try all the food at Dollywood.

I guess he hasn't had time to do any "resurch" in the past week and a half they've been home. So lazy. He DGAF.
I don't expect a video today. It's Cyber Monday. Will is scouring websites for cruise deals.

I thought it was very telling that Will had no clue what to cover for holidays in The Smokies. There's the parade... and the...parade...and...uh... Dollywood....we'll try all the food at Dollywood.

I guess he hasn't had time to do any "resurch" in the past week and a half they've been home. So lazy. He DGAF.
I agree, I don’t think there will be a video. I think he went from his last week off from the cruise, straight into the week off prior to the Michigan road trip. So if we get current videos at all this week, it’ll be shopping trips for the next aventure mixed with a little reminiscing of past trips. I mean what’s a YITS road trip without a stop at target to look at luggage and mention the dent in Dawn’s suitcase.
Here you go Will, you fat piece of tit: https://www.healthcare.gov/. We all know how you like free stuff. This is free for people with your income.

Unfortunately, the liar lies about everything including his income, so he won't qualify for the premium tax credits.
If he was just honest, he and Dong would have free healthcare....that is until Trump takes it away.
I thought it was funny when Will used the term "vacation" and then tried to correct himself.

Proof that he knows it's a grift and they are on permanent vacation.

Always running and working fingers to the bone my ass.
I can’t stand these YouTubers that act like every trip and every meal is just to show us, like they’re not benefiting at all. It’s wild to think they actually have people convinced they’re working. Like if I went on a cruise, it’s a vacation for me, but when Willl and Don do it, it’s them clocking into work. Make it make sense.
I can’t stand these YouTubers that act like every trip and every meal is just to show us, like they’re not benefiting at all. It’s wild to think they actually have people convinced they’re working. Like if I went on a cruise, it’s a vacation for me, but when Willl and Don do it, it’s them clocking into work. Make it make sense.
Yes, he's a fat tub of lard just to make us happy and be entertained. If it wasn't for us he'd have a 32" waist and Dawn would have ankles. As he always tells us in his sign out catch phrase, he loves us.
Well, there WAS a video today and… surprise! It was Showcase of Citrus. At the beginning of the video, Willl informs us that oranges are in season, so it’s a great time to go. Towards the end of the visit to showcase, he informs us that oranges won’t be ready for a few weeks. So well researched. I feel like I was born an old lady and that place looks too snoozeville even for me. Then Willl visits Salabration. A tattler on here called it, and said they would try to look for Adam L O L. My sister lives in celebration and I’m shocked she didn’t feel a grave disturbance in the force. At the end of the video, the idiot suggests that Celebration is worth a stop as there is lots there to take advantage of. The viewer is left to guess what those things might be.
Good thing Will and Dawn got a "relaxing day". We all know that cruises are the most active vacation one can take, full of athletic, muscular people like Will and Dawn. YITS, duck you!

They don't know capybaras. Will thinks they could be giant hamsters. The Burger School of Biology.

How do you miss the big fuckin "L" on the "Zo-tar" machine. It's "Zoltar"!

YITS went to Celebration for "an evening stroll". I wonder why? Does anyone special live in Celebration, I wonder? You know they texted ATW and probably went by his house. Adam probably turned off all the lights and hid in a closet until the coast was clear.

Like Will and Dawn need dessert, fish and chips and a stacked sandwich. They ate so much on the cruise and just kept eating.

Will and Dawn needed to sleep because they ran so much on the cruise. duck. You. duck. You. duck. Yooooouuuuu!

They're leaving early because weather is going to get bad. Translation: "Adam isn't around and there's no more free stuff to do."

Also, Will and Dawn, duck you.
1:05 As if I needed another reason to not like them, Dawn is an elevator linebacker, and she blitzed as soon as the door cracked open.
How can he have so few things to say? “Well HELLOOO THERE ________. Lookin fer sumtin good tuh eat?”
9:41 “they got Elvin.” Well “Elvin” has a giant bleeping A on his shirt, I wonder what the A stands for.
14:44 Mr. Eight hours of editing accidentally left the part in where Dawn talks about Willl not letting her get a garden “cellid” because it would be too much food, and how she had her heart set on it. How about this Dawn, tell that piece of tit that you’ll have whatever you want, because you can. It’s your money too and he doesn’t own you, if he doesn’t like it, tell him to go duck himself, and guess what he’ll have to do? He’ll just get over it and learn a hard lesson about boundaries that he’s way overdue for. Also stop speaking like him, he’s an idiot and he’s always wrong.
Also, I don’t believe for a second Dawn wanted what she got. It’s just another case of Willl ordering his first and second choice, and letting Dawn nibble off of his second choice. When he heard she wanted a “cellid,” he must’ve been thinking, “woah! hold your horses, I don’t want a cellid.”
16:31 The way he says “evaning,” is hilarious to me for some reason, but then again, I didn’t learn to speak from Count Chocola commercials.
Just an observation, at the end and in most of the videos, when Willl is waiting to try food while Dawn is eating, his head starts moving in jerking motions like how a bird looks around. Once you see Willl break out the bird head turns, you can’t unsee it.
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9:41 “they got Elvin.” Well “Elvin” has a giant bleeping A on his shirt, I wonder what the A stands for.


14:44 Mr. Eight hours of editing accidentally left the part in where Dawn talks about Willl not letting her get a garden “cellid” because it would be too much food, and how she had her heart set on it. How about this Dawn, tell that piece of tit that you’ll have whatever you want, because you can. It’s your money too and he doesn’t own you, if he doesn’t like it, tell him to go duck himself, and guess what he’ll have to do? He’ll just get over it and learn a hard lesson about boundaries that he’s way overdue for. Also stop speaking like him, he’s an idiot and he’s always wrong.

No no no! Can't let Dong have her saylid. That would interfere with his plans to killl her with food and collect the insurance policy! Gorge away on my your turkey stayker with "homemade" gravy! No saylid for you!
YITS went to Celebration for "an evening stroll". I wonder why? Does anyone special live in Celebration, I wonder? You know they texted ATW and probably went by his house. Adam probably turned off all the lights and hid in a closet until the coast was clear.

You nailed it. The ONLY reason the hippos waddled around Sallabration was to accidentally run into stalk ATW! Too bad your hero Adam was too busy stalking 18 year old Only-Fans models to meet up with you.
Of course they end the night gorging on 2 fat ass desserts because the huge fish and chips platter and turkey club just wasn't enough calories 🤮
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I truly believe that there is a set of unwritten but spoken rules that all vloggers follow.

- Talk in an intimate manner in order to make shut-ins think you're friends and you can grift them easier.

- NEVER admit that you're really on non-stop vacation and vlogging doesn't require much time or effort.

- Instead, consistently talk about how much work you do, effort you put in and time you took to "re-surch", plan, record and edit every video.

- Reiterate that you do only for the benefit and love of your sus-scribers, not because you don't want to work an honest day's work.

- Every few months, talk about how much vlogging has taken out of you while looking tired and disheveled.

All vloggers seem to follow this playbook. It's like they pass it around verbally so the very dumb will never catch on to their grifting psychology, even though it's obvious to anyone with a critical eye.
Heads-up, Willy is gonna post a fake poll to determine whether to keep or ditch the new theme song. Please vote to get rid of the intros all together!

One of my favorite YITS moments ever was when he created a poll and there were two answers and WILL forgot to remove yes and no. From what I remember, NO one the majority when it wasn’t even supposed to be an option!