Travel Vloggers and VanLifers

I see the expawers have set up a Patreon channel, not really sure what you get for your money, there's 3 levels, £ 4, £8 and £24 a month, so far they have 15 patrons earning themselves £90 per month!!

Has anyone watched By the Curb? What do you think?
Travel Beans are not going to last with a child in tow. I foresee long breaks between videos.
They'll either have to transition to becoming family vloggers or one of them will have to get a job.

Feeling pretty bored by the travel vloggers at the moment in general. Camper Vibe have been on that tiny island for 3 videos now, Lost in Transit have given up traveling and maybe YouTube too. Kingingit have been all road and ferries, barely any content from Louis and Raya and the ones with new babies are just clickbaiting like crazy.
Alex looked awful in the last vlog. I know sleep is scarce with a newborn but he looked half dead. They are definitely going to have to adapt their content for a while.
They'll either have to transition to becoming family vloggers or one of them will have to get a job.

Feeling pretty bored by the travel vloggers at the moment in general. Camper Vibe have been on that tiny island for 3 videos now, Lost in Transit have given up traveling and maybe YouTube too. Kingingit have been all road and ferries, barely any content from Louis and Raya and the ones with new babies are just clickbaiting like crazy.

I only watch Beans, Kinging It and Endless Adventure these days but Kinging It's relationship, the nuggets we have seen, have given me extreme concern on a few occasions.
Alex looked awful in the last vlog. I know sleep is scarce with a newborn but he looked half dead. They are definitely going to have to adapt their content for a while.
But there are two of them, neither has a job. I just don't get why they're making such a drama about this. Despite what they think they are not the only people ever to have had a baby. And the vast majority of parents of new borns have at least one parent working full time. They're coming across as completely disorganised and incompetent and it does not make for good viewing.
I don't understand why they suddenly want to buy property/land in Portugal. Seems to be a bit of a bandwagon on this now, expawers were on about it (not sure I spelt their channel right), indie projects did it years ago. Also seen a number of "lifestyle" rather than travel Insta types now go on about doing this, move abroad etc
If they are self confessed travellers, going to be doing travel despite baby etc why do they want to be tied to something which will need a regular presence to maintain. How will that work when their child (or children) reach school age, and in the post Brexit climate? It made no sense at all and more like something lept on for content.
I don't understand why they suddenly want to buy property/land in Portugal. Seems to be a bit of a bandwagon on this now, expawers were on about it (not sure I spelt their channel right), indie projects did it years ago. Also seen a number of "lifestyle" rather than travel Insta types now go on about doing this, move abroad etc
If they are self confessed travellers, going to be doing travel despite baby etc why do they want to be tied to something which will need a regular presence to maintain. How will that work when their child (or children) reach school age, and in the post Brexit climate? It made no sense at all and more like something lept on for content.
Exactly. And the Expawers quickly realised it was a daft idea (particularly when they already have their cute wee house in Spain). Buying land in Portugal also appeared to be extremely problematic according to the Expawers and as I say this is a couple who have property in Spain so are well used to bureaucracy!
Surely their bigger issues are buying a family car over here and update the van, or buy a new one, which actually accommodates 3+ passengers?
I did love travel beans, they were funny in an ironic type way, I imagine perhaps foreign watchers enjoyed their "Britishness" but I'm sorry to say it's lost some of the shine lately.
The same with camper vibe, they are funny and I really like them but bit tired of it now. They've started to moan a lot about being restricted by their pets, well they chose to get a cat and dog and to travel with them. It was always going to be really restrictive to not be able to leave them long to visit places, or be able to go anywhere hot. The cat is especially restrictive as they can only let her out in such a narrow range of places. Seems a bit unfair on the animal?
I will never watch any van lifers that have a cat, I think it's so unfair on the cat. A dog is different but a cat is just self indulgent and cruel to me.
I like the Beans. I have to say they do not seem to think ahead or plan much. They seemed stunned that having an infant is cramping their travel lifestyle. The whole buying land in Portugal made my eyes roll. If they have a van in the US and they seem to want to do a lot of US travel then why not buy property in the US as a home base?

I still enjoy their charm and charisma, but I am starting to find them troublesome as people if that makes sense.
Surely their bigger issues are buying a family car over here and update the van, or buy a new one, which actually accommodates 3+ passengers?
I did love travel beans, they were funny in an ironic type way, I imagine perhaps foreign watchers enjoyed their "Britishness" but I'm sorry to say it's lost some of the shine lately.
The same with camper vibe, they are funny and I really like them but bit tired of it now. They've started to moan a lot about being restricted by their pets, well they chose to get a cat and dog and to travel with them. It was always going to be really restrictive to not be able to leave them long to visit places, or be able to go anywhere hot. The cat is especially restrictive as they can only let her out in such a narrow range of places. Seems a bit unfair on the animal?
Definitely noticed Camper Vibe being more moany of late and oh my goodness that vlog about what they do in a day behind the scenes! Let me get out my tiny violin. This is the life you chose, you could literally give it up anytime and choose to do something else. Yes we understand it's not all rainbows and unicorns but FFS Lou and Em are both bright, well skilled and very personable so hardly short of options. Their lifestyle is 100% their own choosing.
Craig has a tendency to force Amy to do things she's not comfortable doing. I've noticed it a few times over the course of many vlogs.
It's an interesting point. I only watch them now and again but she seems to get anxious doing the slightest little thing and uses him as an emotional crutch. One way of looking at it is that it's good that he's trying to encourage her to build her confidence and realise that life really isn't as scary as she seems to think it is.
It's an interesting point. I only watch them now and again but she seems to get anxious doing the slightest little thing and uses him as an emotional crutch. One way of looking at it is that it's good that he's trying to encourage her to build her confidence and realise that life really isn't as scary as she seems to think it is.

There's been a couple of vlogs where they've been honest and said they've been in therapy due to depression which was fracturing their relationship. That's when I was thinking "Uh oh...". I think Craig battles depression by being an adrenaline junkie and Amy very much is not an adrenaline junkie so they are poles apart in that respect. She'd prefer a duvet day and not doing anything too taxing. He was very keen on her getting her motorcycle license to go around Vietnam and she ended up breaking down, not getting it and abandoning the lessons which seemed to annoy him because he wanted her to have her own bike in Vietnam. I just get a sense of sadness when I watch their vlogs now but that could be me personally.
There's been a couple of vlogs where they've been honest and said they've been in therapy due to depression which was fracturing their relationship. That's when I was thinking "Uh oh...". I think Craig battles depression by being an adrenaline junkie and Amy very much is not an adrenaline junkie so they are poles apart in that respect. She'd prefer a duvet day and not doing anything too taxing. He was very keen on her getting her motorcycle license to go around Vietnam and she ended up breaking down, not getting it and abandoning the lessons which seemed to annoy him because he wanted her to have her own bike in Vietnam. I just get a sense of sadness when I watch their vlogs now but that could be me personally.
It's clear they're very different people. Yes fundamentally they may both enjoy the travelling but they want to do it in different ways and I think this is ultimately frustrating for both of them which is why I think there's that underlying sense of sadness. They don't yet seem to have the emotional maturity of the Camper Vibe girls who acknowledge their differences and different needs and have found a way to live happily together. I just don't get that same sense of contentment with Craig and Amy. She clings onto him like a security blanket and he just seems to get frustrated with her anxiety.
You have to remember that they have been together fifteen years so probably know each other inside out.
Also they both come from near death experiences in their younger days, Aimee cancer and Craig broken neck so I have heard them say many times that they intend to live life to the fullest.
Aimed suffers with extreme anxiety and that cannot be controlled when it hits you.
Personally I think they are fine 🙂 x
I feel like a lot of the Kinging it problems stemmed from them being close friends and in competition with Kara and Nate and Eamon and Bec. Those couples are all about fitness and physical challenges and constant clickbait adventures and Greg might have felt that in order to close the gap in views, they too should create that kind of content. But Aimee is overwhelmed by everything in life and doesn't enjoy exercise or risky adventures and as stupid as it sounds, the attractiveness of the travel couples also plays a role in their success.
Having said that, I feel like they've come to an agreement behind the scenes that they're both happy with. They seem much more relaxed and confident about their content these days and I actually enjoy their slow pace of traveling where they spend a few months in each country and take their time.