I forced myself to watch the latest drivel that is Tiffany's new video. Watching her and her sister gorging themselves on the chocolate bars complete with lots of 'Mmmmm's' was just so over the top. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I'm almost positive that Tiffany had said previously that she didn't like chocolate so much, that it was Matt who was the chocolate lover out of the 2 of them. Yet her level of excitement over those chocolate blocks was just way up there.
I have a hard time believing that she's 32 years old. She acts like a ditzy teenager.
She's also talking about having this chemo and that being the last lot of chemo she'll ever have. Does she not realise what stage 4 cancer means? That she very well could end up having to have more chemo and even surgeries. I really shake my head while watching her. And let's mention the lack of wearing a face mask when out in public. Instead of walking in the park where there is space and few people she prefers to walk around the shops which are busy with people buying for Christmas/doing their grocery shopping. Not to mention little Astin who could be carrying goodness knows what bugs from school.
Anyways, there's some great comments that hadn't been deleted the last time I looked. TS having some great digs at Fluffy who is going crazy trying to defend herself against the 'trowels'. And who is most concerned at Tiff playing with the 'mandarin'
Gotta watch those 'mandarins', the peel could be very sharp and cut her tippexed fingers. Apologies if I've doubled up with the screenshots. I'm dozing off here, need coffee I think.