I am answering seriously Nope... I can't imagine Tiffany & Matt with a baby. Too addicted to Youtube!I don’t remember exactly re The Krocks, but I don’t think they used Jessica’s eggs as I cannot ever recall her having the egg stimulating injections or having eggs harvested.
At the time NoFanny had the injections and subsequent egg harvesting attended, she was pre chemo and still had ‘all her very important organs’ intact! So at that time, it was unclear just what the plan for her would be including if she would require extensive surgery or not. Everything from then on is as clear as mud.
This werewolf child is incapable of looking after herself and her buddy, so could you imagine her with a baby?
Please continue to question whether I’m actually an oncology nurse because I question her not being ill. I know not all patients will get all the side effects. I’ve taken care of hundreds of patients on heavy duty chemo, like Tiffany, and the vast majority have at least some side effects. You can’t compare two people with Covid, or your case with your husband to my experience with hundreds of patients. When you have shoved an ng tube up a screaming 10 year’s nose because they are so sick they can’t eat or take meds, explain to a 5 year old why you have to give them medication that makes them so sick, admit an 18 year old with their 3rd+ relapse, talk with a parent how they explain death to their 4 year old and that they are going to die, when you can’t even touch a child because of the radioactive treatments they have have, when you yourself have to have bloodwork monitored because of exposure to chemo, and wear radiation monitors because of taking care of patients undergoing radioactive treatment, clean up puke all day and night, clean up diapers and bedsheets from patients that literally are passing their intestine lining instead of stool because they have graft versus host disease from bone marrow treatments … etc. then you can question my legitimacy as a nurse. I base my statements on years as a hematology/oncology and bone marrow transplant nurse. With hundreds of patients. Sorry if this comes as rude, but to see and have done the things I’ve seen and done, and then be questioned and say you trust Tiffany over me saying I’m a nurse, no, I can’t stay quiet on that. Sure Tiffany could be that one outlier that doesn’t get sick. But I guess she’s that lucky one who has dodged that bullet over and over again.
I don't think you are coming across as rude. I think you have pretty much said what I was saying. The 'vast majority' isn't every patient. Tiffany could very well be one of the patients that doesn't get common symptoms.
I don't think Tiffany's dodged any bullet. She's a young woman in her 30's that I do believe has unfortunately been diagnosed with life limiting stage 4 cancer.
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