Can you see?Without having seen the TikTok videos, I don't perceive Elodie to be pregnant. In the brief scene at the restaurant two or three videos ago, she looked big all-around, including in her shoulder area, not just in her belly. In the older pictures with Elodie pregnant with Astin, she did not have that all-around hugeness to her. Also, when Elodie was pregnant with Ella, Tiffany never revealed it until after the birth. Yet, Elodie had appeared occasionally in her videos, and she wasn't obese or as huge as she is now. This is why I don't think she is pregnant.
If she is pregnant, then she might be using that as an excuse to eat even more foods with sugar in them. Clearly, from past pictures, it is possible for Elodie not to be a blimp while pregnant. Whether or not she is pregnant, she seems oblivious to proper nutrition. She even said she wants to make that vomit-green chocolate bar. She seems to have an addiction to sugar. That is not setting a good example for her own children.
Can you see?
Can you see?
Can you see?
Nothing like adding another little Cookie Monster when daddy is depressed and worried about money!Elodie might be pregnant yes.
@c.sabatier did you see the video via my link? Just checking if I am posting links correctly because its the first time I have tried.Ok,
Now, I see that Elodie could be pregnant. Also, there is some thinning of Tiffany's hair as well. The videos must be at least a week behind, as usual, but Tiffany doesn’t reveal the actual calender dates.
Next question: Whose unborn child is it? Tiffany and Matt's?!
Spit image of Tiffany.The child inherited her hairy forehead.
Yes, I did see the video, and only via your link. Thanks!@c.sabatier did you see the video via my link? Just checking if I am posting links correctly because its the first time I have tried.
Spit image of Tiffany.
I think Elodie is spitting image of her mum too.
@c.sabatier here is one for you T doing her English lesson
@c.sabatier this confirms the kitchen is connected to the living room.
Very surprised that a control freak allows a bike in the house
She is not intelligent and she is not well-read. She is a linguistic simpleton. Innit. Some of those words she was "practising" in the craptok would be new words to her.Tiffany's first language was probably whatever Amma spoke at the time in France, and that wasn't French. It was probably Tamil and then when they moved to the UK, Tiffany had to learn English. I do not recall if Tiffany mentioned at what age she and her family moved to the UK, but Tiffany did not learn French. As per the English lesson video, she is still trying to perfect her English pronunciation.
Was she about 2? I have a very vague recollection of her saying that.Tiffany's first language was probably whatever Amma spoke at the time in France, and that wasn't French. It was probably Tamil and then when they moved to the UK, Tiffany had to learn English. I do not recall if Tiffany mentioned at what age she and her family moved to the UK, but Tiffany did not learn French. As per the English lesson video, she is still trying to perfect her English pronunciation.
Let's have another child, to save the marriage. great idea.Nothing like adding another little Cookie Monster when daddy is depressed and worried about money!
Spit image of Tiffany.
I think Elodie is spitting image of her mum too.
@c.sabatier here is one for you T doing her English lesson
@c.sabatier this confirms the kitchen is connected to the living room.
Very surprised that a control freak allows a bike in the house