Could be many things at play.
My personally thoughts are that Tiffany is a bit dim and that Matt & Amma enable her. I don't think Matt and Amma help her, I think they enable her. Does Matt really need to make notes of what tablets Tiffanys needs to take? What times she needs to take them? And does he need to pop them out of the packet and give her them?
Dosage and how often a patient needs to take them is printed on the packets/bottles. Why does Matt need to write notes?
If we go back to the famous clown conversation which took place in the car.... it actually revealed a lot. The surgeon discussed surgery and said he could offer surgery immediately (isn't that why she wanted a referral to him in the first place right), or she could delay surgery BUT, if it spread to the liver or lungs then surgery wouldn't be an option. The surgeon said it would mean that disease had already spread there (ie microscopic spread invisible to scans) which is absolutely right, but dim Tiffany was shell-shocked and couldn't understand how that could happen. Instead of asking the surgeon to explain, she preferred to discuss it with Amma and Matt?
The hospital where she was diagnosed didn't think surgery was a possibility but they would do a referral to another hospital to see if it was possible. This is a patient's right to a second opinion. After all the patient wanted surgery. In her words "I just want it gone, I just want the cancer out of me". Then why an earth did she choose to delay surgery? Because she got cold feet after hearing what surgery entailed. Without surgery the prognosis was around 18 months. Tiffany KNOWS that, its right there in the video she put out! Without surgery Tiffany would likely only live a further 18 months.
Therefore we have to ask the question? Didn't Tiffany then ask "and if I have surgery what will my prognosis be?"
Tiffany contacted the surgeon after she got cold feet and blocked her viewers that cared about her. She then wanted surgery asap. Surgery occurred but then she misled her subscribers by celebrating that her surgeon had achieved 'clean margins'. I remember it so well. Well wishers crying over her and telling her they knew she would beat cancer, we got this blah blah blah. Yeah, the surgeon managed to remove all the visible cancer with clean margins, but there was no mention of microscopic spread?
After surgery she was told that she would require scans every 12 weeks. If she was "cancer free" then why the need for frequent scans? Didn't Tiffany ask why they was exposing her to radiation (which is a cancer risk in itself) if she was cancer free?
I honestly believe Tiffany is dim and didn't bother to learn about her disease or even want to understand her disease. Far easier to think surgery meant she would be cancer free, label the surgeon a GOD that saved her life, and discuss boomerang dances outside hospitals.
Tiffanys disease showed itself in her lung when the lung nodule grew and all she could bang on about was "I need it gone" "I need it cut out". The impression that T puts out is that surgery = cancer free. And again, because that lung nodule was there before her first surgery, she allowed herself to believe that she was cancer free because the primary and the lung nodule with the question mark was finally surgically removed.
Whenever any of her subscribers questioned anything she let them believe she was cancer-free because she was lucky to have the best team in the world blah blah blah.
And we all now know there is further metastatic spread which is stage 4. Will Tiffany have asked what that means for her? What her prognosis is? I don't think so. Will her oncologist or cancer nurse specialist have told her? Possibly or maybe not. She's stating that after treatment there is still options on the table because her oncologist told her that. I personally think Tiffany doesn't ask questions and hears what she wants to hear.
In many ways I don't blame her for being positive and hopeful, not if it keeps her pushing forward. We do see glimpses of Tiffany being honest with herself. Examples are when she says she is "making memories" & not wanting to commit to marriage until she's had a few NED scans. What I do think she is to blame for is not being open with her subscribers. Making comments about when she looks back at herself in the future and will remember how she overcame difficult times. Those types of comments must confuse those who subscribe and don't understand cancer stages.