VIP Member
Just to clarify, I’m GenX, I only joke/tease people I would consider friends. I appreciate you!
Holy crap. I’m a D23 Gold member. I did. It know I should be attending these things for research purposes
Oh I know! I just really, really wanted him to be a good guy in this saga. I had such hope. He went in the exact opposite direction and seems to be getting worse and worse.
So Tim and Jenn had yet another night out without kids, even though Jenn never gets a break and NEVER gets to go out and do fun things. Does she not know that they publish all of the tit that they do? We SEE her go out without kids several times a week at this point.
I guess they have a daytime person who watches Da Baby and a nighttime person who watches them both? Seriously, nobody needs that many date nights, even if it's for your ridiculous "job".