And Now It's Time to Splu
VIP Member
I can see they are raising him to have the same sort of manners they have meaning none. And it really surprises me that soda was not an option. My aunt was like that as well and was kind of nasty to my mom when she let me and my sister have a Coke on our family vacations. Her kids drink a lot of soda now more than my sister and I do so it was a clear fail. Honestly, I don't know if lemonade is that much better of a choice sugar wise unless it was the no sugar kind which I just fin to be usually gross and watered down (I'm not a huge fan of a lot of sugar substitutes most have a weird after taste to me so I'd rather just have water).I cannot speak for what happened since then, but I had an interaction with J$ myself at the soda fountain on the Fantasy. He ran straight into me. Instead of apologizing for running into the nice lady, Tim explained the drink options to J$ while I stood there in shock, trying to grab myself a cup. It was lemonade or vitamin water. He was not offered soda as an option.
Ugh, and is it really weird I found that Goofy ride to be probably one of the more offensive moments as of late. Between that and Dale this trip is just full of grossness.
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