I had to give a sick face for that, because I absolutely abhor the interview processes that basic jobs of standing and ringing something up or unloading boxes, put people through. It’s not fair and alienates a lot of people that could be good workers, but that can’t do certain things like me. I have dyscalculia so I can’t do math, so it is unfair to judge me as a worker based on the fact that I can’t do math, it’s a real sore spot with me. I think the crap that they put people through is ridiculous. Like my friend is a substitute, but she wants to get out of that kind of work and she was talking about how these menial jobs expect you to have degrees, but they want to pay you next to nothing for running a cash register but they expect you to have a degree for it or a degree for answering phones. It’s this is a very bad sore spot with me.
I think Tim Tracker could get hired at Universal. They treat their employees better than Disney does, and they actually will allow you to move up in the ranks if you’re good employee. Jenn is screwed if she tries to get back in the workforce especially since she doesn’t even want to freaking drive.
I think the math portion was more for the jobs where, given the nature of home improvement stores, you'd be assisting people with lumber / building supplies, flooring, kitchen and bath renovations, etc. that require you to know how to do measurements, basic math, etc. Not just registers.
I've heard that before about Disney vs. Universal but I honestly had a great experience working for Disney and was set to move up myself from my role in Guest Services to transition to an Exec Asst for the VP of Feature Animation over at HS (then MGM Studios, and yeah this was 20 years ago and that dept. doesn't exist anymore) before I ended up leaving the company (long story).
I had friends at the time (mostly valets) who worked for PT both and, to your point, I will say that Univ didn't care that my friends worked for Disney, but Disney, interestingly, was a bit miffed that they worked at Univ too (but couldn't do anything about it). I don't know how many people these days work for both concurrently.
But yeah, I totally hear you about places asking for WAY too much (requirements-wise) yet paying SO little.
I was actually thinking maybe he would try to work as a VIP guide at Disney (I don’t know the hierarchy there or what it takes to get hired) but then I realized he doesn’t know Jack tit and would be horrible in that role. But because of the following he once had, he may be able to secure a position somewhere doing social media (even though he sucks at it). I don’t think we will see either one of them enter the workforce for quite a bit though.
In one of the live shows they did in recent months, I believe he said he'd be interested in Disney's graveyard shift (or thought he could do it), or something like that. Does anyone remember him saying that?
It sticks out to me bc I wondered why he'd think he'd be suited to work overnights specifically.